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Hunting books?


Active Member
I for one am always looking for a good read, but really don't know what's going to hold my attention. Realizing that I probably am not alone (a couple of you other guys can read,too
), I thought that a few suggestions from fellow hunters would help make the search a little bit easier.

So here it is: Name your favorite deer hunting book(s).

Mine would have to be Rub Lines Secrets by Greg Miller is a kick (insert profanity here) book. Informative and fun to read.
"Bowhunting's Whitetail Masters" -- Dan Bertalan

"Come November" -- Gene Wensel

"Treestand Tactics" -- Paul Brunner
"Quality Whitetails" by Karl Miller and Larry Marchinton through QDMA at 800 209-3337

"Aging and Judjing Trophy Whitetails" by James Kroll
Greg Miller is my favorite whitetail hunting author by far! Ranked for how I liked them:

1. Greg Miller's Proven Whitetail Tactics

2. Greg Miller's Rub-Line Secrets

3. Greg Miller's Aggressive Whitetail Hunting

4. John Weiss' The Deer Hunter's Almanac (this is a whole book of little paragraphs-each one a tip or fact-good reading for those visits to the throne)

These books will teach you a lot. My friends sometimes refer to me as the whitetail hunter's dictionary now-which is a good thing... I think
The same books that bowhuntingboy put up are my favs as well, just in opposite order than he listed them. I think they are great to read over but are not substitutes for foot labor scouting coming up in a month. I learn more about the deer herd I hunt by a two hour walk rather than reading the entire book.
A fine and pleasnat misery" by Pat McManus.

oh, wait, huhnting book...hmmmmm....well, that book is good for a good laugh anyway.
Whitetail Magic - Roger Rothhaar
Autumn Leaves - Mark Siedschlag
Lonbow Country & Longbows Of The Far North - Don Thomas
All of Gene's Books
Real Ponies Don't Go Oink - McManus

Would love to get a copy of Mr. Winke's book, "Hunting Hard For Whitetails", any suggestions where to find this one?
I'm with muddy if you have a sick warped sense of humor and need locked in a rubber room.Sorry muddy. Pat McManus The grssshopper trap, Never sniff a gift fish,They shoot canoes don't they', A fine and pleasant Misery. I think they might be sold in a box set.I'm sure you'll bust your sides out laughing. Would make a good xmas gift
windwalker...i already have all those aforementioned books!
been reading mcmanus ever since i can remember in the back of field and stream and the books. laugh my a## off!!!
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