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hunting memoir



was just remembering when big bucks were ample, and hunters didnt whack little buck that came into view. my daughter will be born jan 1st although i wont be alive to pass on the huntin tradition my father who has been my hunting partner for years will. cant wait to hunt your state next, i should still be here. if anyone would have any suggestions on a region for us to hunt or how for me to approach framers to maybe pay a trepass fee to let us hunt on there property please respond
sorry,didnt mean for it to be wierd. just wanted you guys to understand, instead of getting replies like stay on your side of the river and shat. i want to hunt your great state maybe make a memory or two. but the pm's i get and the response i get is nothing but negative. i am not some nob shine who is gonna shoot the first eight that walks by as a matter of fact, i bet my throphy book is just as distingushed as most of yours. just looking for some equality maybe a few pointers from you people,
The first part of you post doesn't really make much sence, unless i am reading it wrong. If you want to have some land to hunt for sure call a guide, besides that the only advice i can give you is to go and ask the farmers door to door.
moose270. i think you may have taken it wrong. i think all muddy is saying is you could try driving around and ask farmers or land owners here to hunt. paying a land owner plus the cost of a NR license could add up to some big dollars where IL. has some dandy deer and you wouldn't have near the cost, just the effort of finding a place to go. i've been on this site for quite a while and no one has ever been rude to my knowledge. if you decide to hunt in Iowa I'm sure you could find a place to go. either way you go, good luck.
i guess i dont understand the part about not being here?? whats going on?
sorry i might sound alittle blunt but i dont get it??
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