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hunting show grammer

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i dont mind watching most hunting shows just as something to watch...but having to hear the awful grammer and lame sayings is driving me crazy.. Moultries the hit list is by far the worst those two guys are complete clowns and talk like they've been inbred for two or three generations.
The thing that I can't stand is when they take a terrible shot, like severely quartering towards them and then say something like "he was getting nervous, so I HAD to take the shot..." Also when they sound like a NASCAR driver listing off sponsors gets pretty old as well. There are only a handful of videos or web shows I can even watch anymore.

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Nothing drives me more crazy on those shows as the term "professional hunter." I remember Lee Lakosky talking a couple of years ago about how many times he's heard "I could kill huge deer if I had those farms to hunt and the time those guys have" making it sound like he does so much more to make it happen, but nobody else could do it. Oh yeah, don't forget "BBD baby! Yes!"
I find it kind of ironic that you spelled grammar wrong when that is what your thread is about. It's ar, not er. Lol. But yeah, I agree.
Some of these hunting shows make hunters look like some real uneducated hicks. Pretty pathetic.

"I seen 11 deers today."

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