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hunting with standing corn around



Here in South Central WI the farmers aren't in a hurry to get their corn out. There is a lot of standing corn around my hunting area. There is also an ample supply of alfalfa near the timber. I haven't seen nearly any movement into/out of the timber. I have found several nice rubs and scrapes in the timber. Do you think the does are bedding in the corn and only comming out for water? I need to get a doe harvested before I can get a buck tag. Thanks for any input.
we are having the same problem with the corn too, not getting out soon enough, i also have to shoot does before i can a buck, so ive been hunting in draws that lead out of the corn into the deep timber, seems like they funnel in there in the mornings heading for thicker cover and at night they are coming back to the corn, hope this helps
They just starting picking corn in my hunting area today. Since the opening day I haven't seen near the number of deer I saw last year when it was beans. I noticed some deer were moving out of the field right before sundown, walking in the timber about 20 yards a way from the field. Even though I've been hunting my scrapes, I just haven't been seeing the deer. i tried hunting by water last week when it was warm, but didn't see a thing. With the chase phase going on now, the doe's that are in the corn will be pushed our by bucks. And the pheasant hunter will help by hunting corn fields close to your hunting area.
good luck

Try setting up in a stand around the edge of the corn field's and preferably in a corner where you can see into the corn and watch and see if you can figure out what there doing.I doubt that they are staying in the corn all the time right now because the smaller buck's are really starting to harrass the does alot,at least in Iowa they are.When you see about where they are entering or leaving the corn try to set up in that area and play the wind.
Good luck!

Here in Illinois, most of the corn is out or coming out this week. This morning was really slow, one 2.5 year old was all the timber produced. One 100 acre patch of corn is still in(harvesting today) and I am sure this is where all the does are. Last year at this time, I had seen tons of does on this side of the farm and tons of sign. So far, it is all contained to the immediate area of the corn. We will see what tomorrow brings
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