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HUSH Program ?????????


Life Member
How many of you are in agreement with the proposed mandatory HUSH taxation stamp for deer hunters ONLY.

How many of you feel that deer hunters are already doing their part in helping to reduce the over population of antler-less deer.

How do you feel about other Iowa outdoorsman chipping in and paying for the HUSH Program.

Bird Hunters:
Rationale: There are thousands of acres of CRP in Iowa. These CRP acres provided habitat and shelter for game birds as well as deer. Thus being impart responsible for an increase in the deer population.

Campers & Fisherman:
Rationale: Iowa has numerous recreational areas that provide camping and fishing opportunities for all. Most if not all of the recreation areas are closed to hunting thus also being responsible for increasing the deer population. Some of these state parks do offer hunting for deer on a limited bases. But not during the regular deer hunting season. Thus deer travel from private land to state parks depending on the hunting pressure and very few of them are harvested.

Are there any other groups that you feel should be included in helping out with the HUSH program?

This topic is being posted for your thought and discussion. They are not necessarily my views.
I think all iowans should support it i all so think that we should support the IDNR more than we do. its unreal that we dont give them more tax money than we do to do there job
Yeah, I think the insurance companies should help out more with the HUSH program. They should pay the claims like they are paid to do and HUSH UP!
I think the mentioned sales tax for the DNR would solve the who pays for what. If the tax went through there would be some easier solutions to all of these financial problems. I mean i already pay for a high school here in ames through sales taxes, i'm not married nor do i have kids, nor am i even a resident but i still pay for it. Why not just have the universities raise tuition another 10% this would give the DNR plenty of money
Yeah, have the college students pay for it.
When I went to the U of I in ten years ago, the cost was about $6000/year. It is probably triple that with another 10% by now. I am still trying to pay it off. Better yet, let's quit paying the dang coaches hundreds of thousands a year. I say tax the cigs.
Every year i have been in school since 2000 it has raised at least 10% a semester! But not to get off topic. Can the state mandate a sales tax easily or is that a county thing? Not to up to speed on how that works. But i would think it would not be rocket science after seeing how it works in other states.
I don't like the idea. If the intent is to thin a statewide deer population problem, then all people of the state should be taxed and pay to reduce the herd. I like the idea that HUSH gets the money but why should we be the ones FORCED to do this and does it benefit all residents of the state equally?
Lets see, I dont mind the idea of the HUSH tax stamp, but I dont care for the idea of it being funded only by deer hunters.We alone did not create this overpopulation of deer.Years of buck only tags, the trend towards people posting and leasing thier ground, non resident land ownership, and urban areas that are sick of the deer but wont allow any type of hunting for them are just as much to blame IMO.Places where theyd rather pay sharpshooters than allow limited bowhunting should have that tax added right into thier monthly bills as far as Im concerned.Its not just our problem, as a matter of fact as a deer hunter i dont mind it a bit, I cant say Ive ever sat in my stand and seen to many deer.It affects others way more than it does me in that respect.If they want the herd reduced, and the Hush program to succeed and be available in all areas of the state I think everyone should chip in, hell tack 5$ a year on the state income taxes for everyone, there would be plenty of funding and nobodys gonna miss the extra 5$.

Im actually getting kind of sick of having the blame for an overpoulation laid on hunters, we just followed the regultions, and up untill a few years ago getting an either sex or a doe tag was almost unheard of.

Since the extra doe tags hit the scene weve been killing record numbers of deer every year.In my area Im not even sure they should continue with the doe tags, weve really cut the herd down a lot in this area.I think seeings how weve only been killing does in mass numbers for a couple years now people are expecting to many results way to soon.It hasnt really even had time to have a noticable effect yet.And the area people are screaming the loudest seem to be urban areas like Iowa City where huntings not allowed anyway, what the hell are we supposed to do about that if we cant get at the deer to shoot them.
I think its a good idea, I really don't mind paying the 5 bucks towards hush. Heck that is only one trip to my hunting spot and back in gas money. If that 5 dollars combined with everyone elses 5 dollars helps expands the Hush program so it is more statewide, I'm all for it. That typically means I can shoot more deer. I think the biggest problem why alot of people don't shoot tons of deer, is simply because you can only eat or have so much deer meat.. If this program was dispersed a little better throughout the state, I think alot more deer would be harvested each year. Mainly does, which is great.
Taxing other groups of people to support a program they may have nothing to do with is unethical IMO. I know the govt does it all the time but look at your tax bill every year. It NEVER goes down. Here's a good example of what I think is unfair.

There's a good chance a rain forest exibit thing will be built in Coralville. Do I think it's a good idea? Yes. Do I think it will draw crowds and be successfull? Yes. Should I have to help pay for it? Hell no. Let the primary investor find other investors to finance the thing.

Same way with the Hush program. We hunters need to support it our selves through donations, taxes, or however and keep ownership of the program. Sorry, but I'm sick of paying for other peoples stuff.
I spend a great deal of money every year on tags, shells, gas, ect in my hunting trips to and from my ground blinds and treestands. An extra $5 really isn't anything. All of the doe tags I buy and fill keep me afield longer each season...and that is the really great thing. My family has been harvesting does from our farms and donating them to HUSH....we can only eat so many deer....why not donate it to people and organizations that need it? It is a GREAT program.
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