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I Bin Ladin Mr. Glurkey

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I helped Dad on the farm this afternoon and seen 11 turkeys out in our neighbors hayfield so I thought I would go sit on the edge and maby they will venture back that way to roost. Sure enough 3 hens wondered by me then 6 jakes come strolling by with 2 toms behind taking there good ol time. I ended up shooting the one. He had 3/4 in. spurs 9 in. beard and I figure weighed around 18-20 pounds. I am done!

must have been a pain in the a$$ taking that picture with that damn bird pecking your head. :D

Congrats :way:
Ha! I thinkl the little bird wasn't to happy on what I did to his bigger friend. It does look wierd. LOL
Ok, explain the title of this thread "I Bin Ladin Mr. Glurkey"
I keep seeing it and wanna know what it means??? Like Osama Bin Laden being shot in head? What's a Glurkey? Just curious on title :) Congrats on the dandy tom though!!! Awesome!
Sligh1 said:
Ok, explain the title of this thread "I Bin Ladin Mr. Glurkey"
I keep seeing it and wanna know what it means??? Like Osama Bin Laden being shot in head? What's a Glurkey? Just curious on title :) Congrats on the dandy tom though!!! Awesome!

Good work on your tom!

Im curious about title also
Just an assumption, but I would assume "Mr. Glurkey" is a combination of Gobbler/Turkey? and you were saying I Bin Laden'd a big turk, by shooting him in the face...

total guess, but I am curious too.

I blasted him like Bin Laden and a friend of mine from Wisconsin calls them Glurkeys-G is for Giant and you know where the rest comes from- turkey.
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