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I can only hope!!


Active Member
Shredder's post in the PMA really got me thinking. I know you've all seen the buck but I had to post the picture. The little guy sitting behind the horns makes me smile each day more than any buck ever could. I cannot wait until he is old enough to tag along with his dad, though I'm sure my chances of a trophy will decrease with him tromping along....who cares, there are more important things inlife and our kids are one of them!!! I can only hope that when I'm old and grey, maybe even a little bit crippled up, Reid and his children will take me out into the woods, set me up on a stump to watch the woods come alive once again. I can only hope!!
Great looking picture, looks like a little stud!! Make sure you get this picture posted in the "2004-2005 Harvest Photo Contest" in the Harvest Forum, just might win you something!!

Hunting with your kids is the best, You can't beat their enthusiam. My oldest was with me, he spotted the deer first, when we shot this 149" 13pt. The key is to let the kids decide the hunt. How long you stay and what you shoot. They grow up way to fast, take advanyage of every opportunity. Almost forgot, a lot of treats and drinks to help the time go by.


As you said Karre...one can only hope that our children will follow in our footsteps in walking through the woods. Great shot of you, the deer and the future family tradition...your son. Thanks for sharing
My son just turn two years old and understands that when Dad has his camo it is time to hunt. Every time I come home from a hunt with my camo on his eyes lights up and says, " Daddy gone hunting". It is great and as much as I want him be by my side hunting, I dont want him to grow up too fast on me. Got another addition to family coming in March. We found out a few weeks ago that it was a little girl. Might have to get some pointers from some you guys on how you turn them into hunters.
Amen, Saskguy! I too share your thoughts. I am fortunate that my kids are old enough to finally hunt with me and it is a joy!
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