Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

I don't believe what just happened!!!


PMA Member
After hunting this morning, i decided to make a couple of srcapes.So i'm spraying dominate buck lure on my scape, when i here a branch snap. I look to my right and standing 20 yards from me is a doe and a 140 class 10pt.The doe spooks off, but the buck now smells my scrape and starts coming right for me.I'm froze in my track thinking of the show were the guy gets malled by the buck.
The buck is now 10 yards from me. So what do I do?
I throw the log that I was making the scape with and hit the buck right between the eye's!
I don't think i will see him again.Talk about strang.
Right on Muddy, I say Rambo that sucker!

Think of the money we could save if all we needed was a good knife and some running shoes.
NO! What you should do is never leave your bow, ever!!! You never know when that buck is going to pop his head up.
But there is a lots of hunting left!
You didn't happen to "refreshen" the mock scrape while this was going on did ya?I don't know what I would have done in that situation either.Would be worth a second view on a video cam now that you know the outcome.WHEW!!!
I have to think that is the biggest arrow ever used
. Make sure you take a pocket full of rocks with you for gun season
. Better luck next time.
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