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I just heard something that made me sick!

Old Buck

Life Member
I was just listening to Paul Harvey on WHO. I usually like his program. Then he started talking about a proposal to end fox hunting in Great Britian. He proceeded to proclaim what a great person Cleveland Amory was and about the virtues of Fund for Animals and the Humane Society, both aggressive antihunting groups. Cleavland was one of those animal rights extremists. I feel like I've been kicked in the stomach.

Old Buck
Geez when you'd least expect it. Thats tradition in Great Britian.

Same thing happened up here in AK, a few extremists groups got together and tried to ban bear baiting and taking pictures of bears over bate/food. I am certified in this and want to get serious about it. On Nov 2 the state of AK basicly booted them back to the lower 48. Glad my nieghbors and other AK residents pulled through. Thats really to bad to hear that Larry.
I know what you mean Old Buck. I heard the same thing this a.m on the way to work. Its a sad day we see the antis take another step towards ending our sport. How long before they come to the U.S. and try to stop the same thing here?

Being a veterinarian, I am always and will always be exposed to this garbage. The last this we as a nation need is the political folks getting involved in the aspect of hunting......leave it to the biologists and conservationists to set the seasons, limits, and determine what should be harvested.

The fact that a public icon such as this gets his opinion in there is just disturbing. The real conservationists and animal lovers out there are the ones that pursue them each fall. I can reason for a fact that there is no animal rights activist that cares more for the outdoors and wildlife than myself and probably most on the site.
The dangerous thing about people like that is their ability to influence the minds of people who are uneducated about hunting. One more reason every hunter should always present themselves positively in the public eye – tasteful clothing, good manners etc. People who get their information about hunting from the mainstream media are largely uninformed about why we hunt. We need to let non hunters know about things like overpopulation, habitat decimation, high insurance rates and the billions of dollars hunters spend to improve habitat – things that affect everyone. I grew up being very anti hunting until I learned about these things. My opinions were based on the negative portrayals of hunters in movies and television. I honestly didn’t know any better. These groups are masters at manipulating kindhearted (yet uninformed) peoples emotions.

If all hunting were to end tomorrow not one second of suffering would be eliminated in wildlife. Animal rights people have basically lost contact with animals and have a distorted idea of animals and the role they play in nature. As society has become more and more urban the reality of animals has become more and more foreign. Mans separation from nature shields him from a natural world he would rather not face – society as a whole does not have to face the reality of a starving herd of deer for example.

Stay positive, and lets all keep showing the world that the hunter is the one that truly loves and respects nature.
I've had to listen to paul harvey for the last ten years at work on my lunch hour. I missed todays ,due to vacation. I've figured out he was a narrow minded individual a long time ago. The way he puts down democrats and brags up republicans drives me nuts.I'm a little of both. He always thinks he's right.Freedom of speach or not that's a crapy way of using it,make sure you know something about the matter before you open your big fat mouth!!
Kat states it well.

I just posted to "More tags to be sold" thread and feel that there is a common underlying theme. The theme being that large urban areas might not share our hunting sentiments. It bothers me their vote could force their views on rural areas. Look's like we need to do a LOT of education of our own. I read at the IADNR site that they had a special youth program to get people deer hunting. Even they state that hunter numbers are falling off. So it looks like it is up to us to RECRUIT hunters. Take your kids hunting! Take your neighbors kids hunting! Take the kids from church hunting! Recruitment seems to be the best answer.
I hear ya old buck. I felt like I was kicked in the teeth when Limbough was busted for doping up.
When I lived in Southern California some years ago, I was driving down I-5 to SanDiego. A huge banner was strung across an over pass. It read.....
Since I just stuck up for the reporter on the thread about the guy killing five hunters, thought I'd balance it here by saying that we do get a bum rap in the media most of the time.
What continues to amaze me is that the fact that hunters and sportsmen fund most of the habitat -- something that benefits non-game species as well -- but we don't get recognition for it. And the urban areas with all their sprawl are probably eliminating more wildlife than all the animals harvested by hunters in an entire generation.

As Kat said, we need to stay positive but also be more proactive in presenting the positive aspects of the sport. One good place to start is with your harvest pictures. Do a little extra work to clean up the animal and pose it so the open underbelly's not exposed. Many people on the site do a great job of this and it shows respect for the animal and gives our opponents less fuel to depict us as bloody killers.

And do what you can to get new people into the sport so they can realize that the harvest is just one small part of the experience.

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