I like Wood

The thing I found most interesting about that post, besides the title, was watching the slo mo of the arrow being shot. The top down view really surprised me. I always thought the string supplied even pressure throughout the length of pull until the arrow came off the string. You can see the string flexing in front of the nock just after release. What I can’t tell is if the string applies any more force after that. So it looked to me like all the energy is transmitted to the arrow in the first few milliseconds after release. Or maybe the string is in some kind of wave and more energy is transmitted as a peak of the next wave is behind the nock. I’m thinking of a sine wave going from one end of the string to the other as the limbs pull the string forward.

Anyway, I liked the vids.<O:p</O:p

The ‘Bonker<O:p</O:p
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