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I lost one...maybe


Active Member
The landowners son shot a large buck with the rifle and from the description I think it's this guy.

I'm heading there now to confirm. If it is him, I'm glad it was the landowners son and not one of the slob, road poachers that are so abbundant around here. I'll be back later with the news and photos.
congrats to the hunter, thats an awesome buck. Good luck with the rest of your season, I bet you got a few more out there yet
Just got back and I'm not sure if it's this buck or not. I can't see the kickers in my photo and I didn't think he was this heavy. The H 1's are 5 1/2 and the left side G3 is 8.2 and the G4 is 5.2. I quick scored him at 157. What do you guys think?


Either way I'm very happy for the young hunter that took this guy.
After about 15 min of looking back and forth, I am pretty convinced that this is the same deer. The shape of the rack, and length of the G2, G3, and G4 on the left side are too consistent not to be the same one. As far as the mass appearing to be less on the trail cam, it was tken at night and is a bit grainy - probably not an accurate representation. Very nice buck. Congrats to the shooter!
I think they are the same with the left side almost identical.....look at how the G3 slants forward to the G4 and look at the large space between the G2 and G3. I'm almost convinced its the same buck.

Just my $.02

Hard to say for sure but I'm going to guess that it is Jay, but then again,,,just a guess. I'm basing my guess on what huntn4life88 said as well as the g 4's. In the trail cam the left g4 appears better, on the dead buck, it appears better as well. Might not be the same buck for sure but I'd say that if that trail cam pic was a bit clearer we see the kickers we can see on the dead one. Who knows???
I'm leaning toward it being the same buck also. Too many similarities and the chances of there being two bucks of this caliber in this small area are slim. I was fortunate enough to have him at 50 yds on the 12th but it was getting dark and I was more concerned in getting ready for the shot that never happened than looking for the sticker points. As I said earlier, I'm glad the landowners son got him. We have so much trouble with road hunting poachers here, I felt one of them would get him. Our muzzleloader season starts on Dec. 1st so I'm pretty much done bow hunting for this season. Maybe I'll get a crack at another good one with the front stuffer.
look at the width right before the last point forks out!!! NOT THE SAME!!! atleast i would find every excuse possible to say they are different!!
same buck defentally....look at the G1's also and how they both dip a little backwards.....no doubt same deer.....congrats to the hunter

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