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I love my Savage ML10II


Well-Known Member
Man I love my Savage!!!!

Tonight, I cleaned it for the first and last time this season. My season started during Iowa’s early muzzleloader season mid-October. The load I started using this year was 44 grains of AA5744 behind a 250 grain Hornady XTP with a Winchester 209 for ignition. I filled my early muzzle tag with a 100-yard shot on a doe. By late muzzleloader season, I swapped out the 250 grain XTP for the 300-grain version. Last Monday afternoon, I filled my tag with a 130-yard shot on a doe. I had been holding out for a buck, but with the season winding down and the freezer running short, I decided to hang a deer.

Why do I love my Savage? I didn’t have to clean it all season and when I did tonight, cleaning was a snap. Also, I left it loaded for nine days prior to shooting it last Monday. It stayed in the trunk of my car (in and out of the garage) through temperatures that went above and below freezing daily. During this time, I had it out hunting in rain and fog. When the shot came Monday, the Savage came through.

Christmas provided me with two pounds of N120, so it looks like I will be working up a load for the 300-grain XTP in the off-season. I am looking forward to next fall! It can’t get here soon enough!

Amen on the Savage. I would have to agree with you on that. It is such an easy muzzleloader it is pretty hard to beat. Congrats on the harvest.
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