New Member
Attention hunters and sportsmen
The text of the proposed ban reads:
Be it enacted by the people of the State of Alaska:
Alaska Statutes title 16 is amended to add a new Section 16.05.781 as follows:
16.05.781. Baiting or intentional feeding of bears prohibited.
(a) A person may not bait or intentionally feed a bear for the purposeof hunting,photography, or viewing.
(b) Under this section, to "bait" or "intentionally feed" means to intentionally give, deposit, distribute,discard,scatter or otherwise expose any attractant or edible material in order to attraact or enticed bear to enter into, or to remain in, a location or area.
(c) A person who violates this section is guilty of a Class A misdermeanor.
Six reasons why the Bear Initiative goes to far:
Feeding bears for the purpose of photography or viewing will be banned. This eliminates the most important game management and research tools currently availablem in Alaska.
You will be sent to jail for a year and fined $10,000 for each photograph you take. Scientists and researchers would not be able to photograph or view bears. This initiative is so poorly written its unintended consequences are endless.
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game's ability to manage game populations will be taken away. Professional game biologists will be prohibited from utilizing the most effective game management tools available. Limitations on Alaska's game managment options will result in out of control preditor populations.
Protection of our children and pets from dangerous preditors will be very difficult. The language in this initiative is so broadly written a person could go to jail for a year for protecting thier children from an attacking bear!
Out-of-state environmental extremists groups like Greenpeace and P.E.T.A will flood Alaska's initiative process with bans and prohibitions. This ban represents an extreme philosphical agenda that goes much further than professional game management. The anti-hunting extremeists will stop at nothing to ban all hunting. They even oppose hunting wild animals for food!
Public involvement in game management decisions will be limited. This ban is a statewide mandate that does not allow for any local control or public involvement. This important game management decision should be made by the professionals at the Alaska Department of Fish and Game thruogh thier public process.
To help your fellow Alaskans out check out this web site you can sign up for a a free newsletter regarding the initiative.
I am certified for Bear baiting and plan on doing this next spring, and I'll be so pissed off if this crap goes thruogh, The election will be held in November..
Piss on bunny huggers, it will be a cold day in hell that I cant hunt and eat my wild game!
The text of the proposed ban reads:
Be it enacted by the people of the State of Alaska:
Alaska Statutes title 16 is amended to add a new Section 16.05.781 as follows:
16.05.781. Baiting or intentional feeding of bears prohibited.
(a) A person may not bait or intentionally feed a bear for the purposeof hunting,photography, or viewing.
(b) Under this section, to "bait" or "intentionally feed" means to intentionally give, deposit, distribute,discard,scatter or otherwise expose any attractant or edible material in order to attraact or enticed bear to enter into, or to remain in, a location or area.
(c) A person who violates this section is guilty of a Class A misdermeanor.
Six reasons why the Bear Initiative goes to far:
Feeding bears for the purpose of photography or viewing will be banned. This eliminates the most important game management and research tools currently availablem in Alaska.
You will be sent to jail for a year and fined $10,000 for each photograph you take. Scientists and researchers would not be able to photograph or view bears. This initiative is so poorly written its unintended consequences are endless.
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game's ability to manage game populations will be taken away. Professional game biologists will be prohibited from utilizing the most effective game management tools available. Limitations on Alaska's game managment options will result in out of control preditor populations.
Protection of our children and pets from dangerous preditors will be very difficult. The language in this initiative is so broadly written a person could go to jail for a year for protecting thier children from an attacking bear!
Out-of-state environmental extremists groups like Greenpeace and P.E.T.A will flood Alaska's initiative process with bans and prohibitions. This ban represents an extreme philosphical agenda that goes much further than professional game management. The anti-hunting extremeists will stop at nothing to ban all hunting. They even oppose hunting wild animals for food!
Public involvement in game management decisions will be limited. This ban is a statewide mandate that does not allow for any local control or public involvement. This important game management decision should be made by the professionals at the Alaska Department of Fish and Game thruogh thier public process.
To help your fellow Alaskans out check out this web site you can sign up for a a free newsletter regarding the initiative.
I am certified for Bear baiting and plan on doing this next spring, and I'll be so pissed off if this crap goes thruogh, The election will be held in November..