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IBA Legislative Update 2/1/'08


Life Member
<span style="color: #FF0000"> IOWA BOWHUNTERS ASSOCIATION
No. 3, 2/1/2008</span>

Abbreviations... H=House, S=Senate, HF=House File, SF=Senate File, HSB=House Study Bill, SSB=Senate Study Bill, CR=Concurrent Resolution, JR=Joint Resolution, NRC=Natural Resource (& Env. in the Senate) Comm., HEPC=House Environment Protection Comm., CC= Commerce Comm., LGC=Local Gov’t. Comm., EdC=Education Comm., TC=Transportation Comm., SGC=State Gov’t. Comm., WMC=Ways & Means Comm., AC=Appropriations Comm., JC=Judiciary Comm., AgC=Ag. Comm., AgNRAS-Ag. & Natural Resources Appropriation Subcommittee (a joint Senate & House subcomm.), SB=Small Business & Economic Dev. (& Tourism in the Senate) Comm, HPSC=House Public Safety Comm.

The phone number to reach your Senator is 515/281-3371 & for your Representative is 515/281-3221. To access bills, E-Mail address for legislators, & other info on the Internet go to http://www.legis.state.ia.us

SUSTAINABLE FUNDING COMMITTEE. The Legislative Interim Study Committee unanimously passed the following recommendations this Monday (Sen. Seng was absent, Motion by Rep. Rayhons & seconded by Sen. Johnson):
1. Create a Land Preservation Initiative – Adopt HF 902 (Now HF 2080)/SF 587 – Charitable Conservation Contribution Income Tax Credit.
2. Agree with the $150 million “needs assessment” identified by the Sustainable Natural Resource Funding Advisory Committee with language for the Dept. of Ag to provide more detailed information on how the funds are to be expended AND with language that these funds are not intended to replace but are in addition to existing funds.
• REAP. $20 million would be added to REAP.
• Local Conservation Partnership Program. $20 million for infrastructure, nature interpretation and outreach, and conservation management techniques at the local level. Funds would be distributed via a grant application process to county conservation boards ($12 million), nongovernmental organizations ($5 million), and cities ($3 million).
• Watershed Protection. $20 million to increase emphasis on the watershed approach to solving environmental problems (wetland restoration, grassland restoration, and runoff filtration).
• Lakes Restoration. $10 million for lake restoration and lake watershed protection.
• Trails. $15 million for maintenance of existing trails and the addition of new trails, marketing, and trail linkages, including water trails.
• Iowa Department of Natural Resources. $35 million to be added to DNR’s budget for needs in our state parks, state preserves, the wildlife diversity program, public access, private landowner programs and incentives, and natural resources outreach.
• Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship. $30 million for soil conservation and watershed protection projects (additional technical assistance, develop a stream bank and buffer stabilization project, initiate a state-funded CRP-type program to keep lands in hay and grass, and start a tillage management incentives program in areas impacted by demand for cellulosic ethanol production. Funds will also be used to support environmental stewardship with regard to agricultural and livestock issues.
3. Reauthorize the Sustainable Natural Resource Funding Advisory Committee for two years with the addition of two groups – the Iowa Rivers Rival and the Land Improvement Contractors.
4. Create a Water Quality and Outdoor Recreation Trust Fund and make it constitutionally protected with language for the Dept. of Ag to provide more detailed information on how the funds are to be expended AND with language that these funds are not intended to replace but are in addition to existing funds.
5. Present a proposal to the people of Iowa to approve a constitutionally protected fractional 3/8th of 1¢ sales tax increase.

No bill introduced yet, but with this being an election year, I’m not sure if this will go even though the vote is to let the public vote to raise taxes. Evidently the Cedar Rapids Gazette ran an unscientific survey on the issue this week and it was defeated 80.5% to 19.5%. Conservationists and farmers are going to have to get together on this one.

<span style="color: #FF0000">DEER Legislation</span>
<span style="color: #FF0000">Farm Bureau wants more deer killed & wants income through the ability to transfer/sell more free landowner/tenant licenses (See HF 2052), even to nonresidents. Randy Taylor, IBA Pres. discussed the problems that occurred in Kansas with a similar proposal. The DNR wants more income. Conservation groups are saying lets support Sustainable Funding and not increase nonresident licenses. In addition to FB, legislators have heard from in the past or are hearing now - nonresident landowners, realtors, B & B owners, outfitters and tourism groups wanting more nonresident licenses. It is thought that most nonresidents are looking for big bucks and will not help curtail the deer population by shooting does. If more licenses are sold, more land will be acquired or leased by nonresidents and closed to residents. To help landowners financially, there was a proposal last year to issue landowners a tax credit for public access & the DNR is talking about an access payment program. </span> .

<span style="color: #FF0000"> HF 2006 DESTINATION PARK DEER LICENSES</span> , . Allows the DNR to issue 500 non-resident deer licenses for use in destination parks (Honey Creek at Rathbun is the only park presently). Allows the NRC to set the costs and seasons for such licenses. HNR subcom-Davitt, Arnold, Reichert. The doesn't look like the bill will go further in its current form. All the conservation groups at a subcommittee meeting said residents should have first opportunity. Legislators want to help the Honeycreek Resort and wanted ideas. The DNR wants to expand the proposal to other parks with cabins. Some of the ideas suggested are:
1. Allow residents to hunt state parks - take a doe or two first to get a shot at a buck. These licenses could be sold for a much higher price to Iowans that know that there are big bucks in state parks.
2. Give some of the licenses to conservation groups to auction (and could split the money raised with the DNR).
3. Price special packages that include attractive prices for state cabins or the Honeycreek Lodge.
4. Better communication of special hunts with hunting groups. The DNR said they only had six hunters at Waubonsie (Fremont County). Present DNR policy is antlerless only hunts.

<span style="color: #FF0000"> HF 2007 THANKSGIVING DEER LICENSES</span> , . Authorizes the DNR to issue non-resident antlerless deer licenses from Wednesday to Sunday through the Thanksgiving holiday for $51 if there are any unsold non-resident licenses for other antlerless seasons. HNR subcom-Reichert, Baudler, Davitt.

<span style="color: #FF0000"> HF 2029, HF 2068 FARM HUNTING RIGHTS</span> , . Allows a farm owner, or family member, <span style="color: #FF0000"> including non-residents</span> , to hunt, fish or trap on the land without a license, and to be eligible for special licenses to hunt turkeys or deer on the farm. Includes owners who rent the land. HNR subcom-D. Taylor, Lykam, Van Engelenhoven

<span style="color: #FF0000">HF 2048 DEER TRANSPORTATION TAGS</span> , . Requires deer transport tags be affixed to the antlers of an antlered deer. Currently, by rule, the tag is only required to be attached to the deer carcass. HNR subcom-Whitaker, Mertz, Rasmussen.

<span style="color: #FF0000"> HF 2052, FREE LANDOWNER/TENANT DEER LICENSES</span> . Requires the DNR to annually issue one free any sex deer hunting license to an owner or tenant of a farm for the first 40 acres and one antlerless license for each additional 40 acres of the farm unit. The licenses are valid only on the farm unit, are valid and may be used during any shotgun deer season or in two different seasons. The licenses are transferable and may be given or sold by the owner or tenant, without prior notice to the DNR, to any resident or nonresident hunter who is otherwise qualified to hunt deer in this state. A person who receives the free license must pay the $1 fee that assists with processing deer donated to the help us stop hunger program. HNR subcom-Whitaker, Rayhons, Whitead.

<span style="color: #FF0000"> HF 2084, SF 2086, NONRESIDENT DEER & TURKEY LICENSES FOR THE DISABLED</span>. Authorizes the DNR to issue special nonresident turkey and any-sex deer licenses to nonresidents who have a severe physical disability or a terminal illness. Requires a physician to sign a declaration that the applicant has a severe physical disability or a terminal illness. The licenses are in addition to the number of nonresident turkey licenses authorized by 483A.7 and nonresident deer licenses authorized pursuant by 483A.8. The licenses are valid in all applicable zones and any applicable hunting season. The nonresident must be qualified to hunt in this state and pay the applicable nonresident turkey or deer license fee and the wildlife habitat fee. There is no limit on the number of licenses available in the bill. HNR subcom-Davitt, Mertz, Rasmussen.

<span style="color: #FF0000"> HF 2090, SENIOR CROSSBOW LICENSE</span> . Reduces the age for a special senior state antlerless deer crossbow license from 70 to 65. HNR subcom-D. Taylor, Lykam, Rasmussen.

<span style="color: #FF0000"> HF 2093, MILITARY HUNTER SAFETY CERTIFICATION </span>. Requires the DNR to certify the completion of a hunter safety course for a member of the armed forces, or a person honorably discharged, who has passed a weapons proficiency test. HNR subcom-Bailey, Wenthe, Baudler.

<span style="color: #FF0000">SF 310, FISH & GAME PENALTIES </span> . Raises the fine for illegally taking a bobcat from $50 to $200. Changes the method for calculating damages for illegally taking fish. Present damages for any fish are $15 per fish. Provides that damages for taking a fish of a species with an established daily limit of greater than 25 remains$15 per fish. A fish with a daily limit of 25 or less is $50, with some exceptions including a paddlefish at $500, muskellunge at $500 plus $100 for each inch over 50 inches, and largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, walleye, northern pike, channel catfish, flathead catfish, rainbow trout, brown trout, and brook trout, is $50 plus $50 per inch over a specified size, depending on the species. The penalties don’t apply to accidental spills (livestock, fertilizer, sewage) that are covered in another section of the Code. HNR subcom-Davitt, Lukan, Shomshor.

<span style="color: #FF0000">SF 2025, SHOOTING PROHIBITIONS </span> . Applies the prohibition against firing a gun within 200 yards of a building inhabited by people or domestic livestock to maintained grounds immediately surrounding such a building. SNRC.
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