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IBA Legislative Update 2/8/'08


Life Member
No. 4, 2/8/2008

Abbreviations... H=House, S=Senate, HF=House File, SF=Senate File, HSB=House Study Bill, SSB=Senate Study Bill, CR=Concurrent Resolution, JR=Joint Resolution, NRC=Natural Resource (& Env. in the Senate) Comm., HEPC=House Environment Protection Comm., CC= Commerce Comm., LGC=Local Gov’t. Comm., EdC=Education Comm., TC=Transportation Comm., SGC=State Gov’t. Comm., WMC=Ways & Means Comm., AC=Appropriations Comm., JC=Judiciary Comm., AgC=Ag. Comm., AgNRAS-Ag. & Natural Resources Appropriation Subcommittee (a joint Senate & House subcomm.), SB=Small Business & Economic Dev. (& Tourism in the Senate) Comm, HPSC=House Public Safety Comm.

The phone number to reach your Senator is 515/281-3371 & for your Representative is 515/281-3221. To access bills, E-Mail address for legislators, & other info on the Internet go to http://www.legis.state.ia.us

SUSTAINABLE FUNDING COMMITTEE. See last week’s newsletter for contents of the Legislative Interim Committee. The bill, when introduced, is likely to start in the Senate.

TAX CREDITS FOR ACCESS TO PRIVATE LAND. I was told on Thursday that H Majority McCarthy is requesting a draft of legislation that would provide an income tax credit for landowner that allow public access on their land. I do not know at this time the extend of the access provided, whether it would be for numerous forms of outdoor recreation pursuits or limited in scope.


HF 2006, DESTINATION PARK DEER LICENSES. Allows the DNR to issue 500 non-resident deer licenses for use in destination parks (Honey Creek at Rathbun is the only park presently). Allows the NRC to set the costs and seasons for such licenses. HNR subcom-Davitt, Arnold, Reichert. It doesn't look like the bill will go further in its current form.

HF 2007, THANKSGIVING DEER LICENSES. Authorizes the DNR to issue non-resident antlerless deer licenses from Wednesday to Sunday through the Thanksgiving holiday for $51 if there are any unsold non-resident licenses for other antlerless seasons. HNR subcom-Reichert, Baudler, Davitt.

HF 2029, HF 2068, FARM HUNTING RIGHTS. Allows a farm owner, or family member, including non-residents, to hunt, fish or trap on the land without a license, and to be eligible for special licenses to hunt turkeys or deer on the farm. Includes owners who rent the land. HNR subcom-D. Taylor, Lykam, Van Engelenhoven. Unlikely to be debated. Will delete until further action.

HF 2052, FREE LANDOWNER/TENANT DEER LICENSES. Requires the DNR to annually issue one free any sex deer hunting license to an owner or tenant of a farm for the first 40 acres and one antlerless license for each additional 40 acres of the farm unit. The licenses are valid only on the farm unit, are valid and may be used during any shotgun deer season or in two different seasons. The licenses are transferable and may be given or sold by the owner or tenant, without prior notice to the DNR, to any resident or nonresident hunter who is otherwise qualified to hunt deer in this state. A person who receives the free license must pay the $1 fee that assists with processing deer donated to the help us stop hunger program. HNR subcom-Whitaker, Rayhons, Whitead. There is opposition to this proposal and if pursued, the scope of the bill will be narrowed considerably.

HF 2084, SF 2086, NONRESIDENT DEER & TURKEY LICENSES FOR THE DISABLED. Authorizes the DNR to issue special nonresident turkey and any-sex deer licenses to nonresidents who have a severe physical disability or a terminal illness. Requires a physician to sign a declaration that the applicant has a severe physical disability or a terminal illness. The licenses are in addition to the number of nonresident turkey licenses authorized by 483A.7 and nonresident deer licenses authorized pursuant by 483A.8. The licenses are valid in all applicable zones and any applicable hunting season. The nonresident must be qualified to hunt in this state and pay the applicable nonresident turkey or deer license fee and the wildlife habitat fee. There is no limit on the number of licenses available in the bill. HNR subcom-Davitt, Mertz, Rasmussen. SNR subcom-Dearden, Black, Gaskill.

.HF 2090, SENIOR CROSSBOW LICENSE. Reduces the age for a special senior state antlerless deer crossbow license from 70 to 65. HNR subcom-D. Taylor, Lykam, Rasmussen. Unlikely to be debated. Will delete until further action.

HF 2093, MILITARY HUNTER SAFETY CERTIFICATION. Requires the DNR to certify the completion of a hunter safety course for a member of the armed forces, or a person honorably discharged, who has passed a weapons proficiency test. HNR subcom-Bailey, Wenthe, Baudler.

HF 2177 (formerly HF 2048), DEER TRANSPORTATION TAGS. Requires deer transport tags be affixed to the antlers of an antlered deer. Currently, by rule, the tag is only required to be attached to the deer carcass. Passed HNRC. Eligible for H debate.

SF 2025, SHOOTING PROHIBITIONS. Applies the prohibition against firing a gun within 200 yards of a building inhabited by people or domestic livestock to maintained grounds immediately surrounding such a building. SNRC.

<span style="color: #FF0000"> Last four are new Legislation. ML hunters better look at HF 2199 </span>

<span style="color: #FF0000">HF 2184, HUNTING RESIDENCY </span> . Requires that a person live in Iowa for 180 days and have an Iowa driver’s license or ID in order to apply for a resident hunting or fishing license. Strikes a voter registration as a criteria that establishes residency. HNRC.

<span style="color: #FF0000">HF 2199, MUZZLELOADING HUNTING </span> . Require the DNR to adopt a rule allowing any member of a deer hunting party using muzzleloading firearms to tag a deer in that person's name, regardless of who actually shot the deer during the late muzzleloading season. HNRC.

<span style="color: #33FF33">HF 2203, LIME GREEN HUNTING CLOTHING </span> . Allows a person hunting deer with a firearm or a person hunting upland game birds the option of wearing specified apparel that is blaze orange or high-visibility lime green.

<span style="color: #FF0000">SF 2127, NONRESIDENT DEER LICENSES </span> . Requires a nonresident deer hunter to purchase two antlerless licenses with the purchase of an antlered or any sex license and to take two antlerless deer before taking any other deer. Reduces the cost of an antlerless license to $50. Increases the number of non-resident licenses to 12,000. SNRC.

Thanks for the update Randy. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

Several of those proposed bills will in my opinion have a very negative impact on the quality of deer hunting in Iowa.

The next couple of months will likely shape the future of deer hunting in the State of Iowa for many years to come. Perhaps forever! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif

I would ask all iowawhitetail & IBA members to become politically
active and contact your state representatives. Be polite, but let them know how you feel.

<span style="color: #CC0000">Please join and support the Iowa Bowhunters Association, united we can make a difference.</span>

<span style="color: #CC0000">For more information about becoming an IBA member&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;</span>Details<span style="color: #CC0000">&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;</span>

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