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IBA Members Speak UP


Well-Known Member
The Iowa Bowhunters Association is requesting feedback from their members in order to make a stance on current legislation.

This shows how great of an organization the IBA is to allow it's members to speak prior to making their stance on the issues

If you are an IBA member please take the time to email Randy your feedback concerning the below information - email him at tayphoto@netins.net .
To all IBA Members,
This piece of legislation will be debated in Senate NRC on Tues. Need your thoughts and ideas.
Will give the highlights if you want to read complete bill go to www.legis.state.ia.us

1. Will leave non resi any sex deer tags at 6,000 each successful nonres can also get an antlerless tag.
2. Would take the cap off non res antlerless tag,limit set by DNR for management purposes.
3. Res landowner with 10 acres will receive two free tags, one any sex, one antlerless. Must show proof of ownership.
4. User friendly check station of sorts. Telephone, internet,just basic harvest information.Will have a fee added to next years tag if you don't report.
5. One dollar from every deer tag issued would go to the HUSH Program to help this program go state wide.
6. The DNR must confer with landowner who have crop depredation and issue tag if damage is found. Not an option for DRN mandated by legislators

Here is a statement from a IBA Legislative Committee Member.

Once again this year the legislature has been very active with numerous bill filings on legislation to reduce whitetail deer numbers as well as increase the number of non-resident deer hunting licenses. Leading the charge has been the Iowa Farm Bureau Federation and the auto insurance industry citing millions of dollars in claims even though, on a statistical basis, this number has not gone up.
Our Governor has also aided their cause with his request for an additional 6,000 non-resident either sex licenses and adding to the effort, although indirectly, has been a series of lawsuits by guides and outfitters against states that limit non-resident hunting licenses; lawsuits that they are winning.

Our position, as an organization, has been to oppose additional either sex non-resident licenses until a study has been conducted to determine the effect this increase would have on non-resident land ownership and leasing and ultimately the consequences to the resident Iowa deer hunter and his ability to manage the herd. Ultimately, land access is the real issue as more and more resident hunters are being displaced through leasing and land ownership; something you cannot blame all on non-residents and a problem not unique to
Iowa . This is also a problem to which nobody in the country has the answer except for possibly an accelerated program of public hunting land purchases by the state; a concept not popular in the current legislature.

Whether you like it or not there will be deer legislation that passes the legislature this session. How good or how bad is anyones guess at this time, but rest assured something will pass because the legislators are hearing from the insurance companies and agriculture and very little from their constituent hunters. This organization and our partner on these issues, the Iowa Conservation Alliance and our lobbyist are not enough force to overcome the oppositions might. If hunters want fairness, they have to call their legislators and tell them what they think only history says they wont.

What we are hoping for now, as we continue to follow legislation, is passage of what is being called the Omnibus Deer Bill or SSB-1147.
Coming from the Senate Natural Resource Committee, this rolls multiple issues such as definitions on land ownership for free landowner tags, quantities of these tags, a deer checking system, fixes a quirk in the depredation program, and others. It keeps the limit on non-resident either sex licenses at 6,000 but allows the Iowa DNR to set the number of antler-less deer permits dependent on population levels determined by the DNR.

We will continue to follow this legislation and will provide you with additional updates. However, as it now stands we feel that this organization will support passage of SSB-1147, not because its a great piece of legislation, but because, in the current legislative client, it would do the lease damage. Not the best situation to be in.

Laverne Woock, Legislative Chairman

Iowa Bowhunters Association

Need to hear from you. Give me a vote and reason and send back to me.



Whether you support or not contact your legislators.

I need to hear from you.


Randy Taylor

[/ QUOTE ]
I also sent my thoughts to Randy.

And again to every legislator that I have an email address for.

Thanks for once again keeping us informed on important things happening that will impact our future. My email has been sent. Keep up the good work IBA!

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