Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

IBA Membership Drive


Well-Known Member
As many know Iowawhitetail is a strong supporter of the Iowa Bowhunters Association. Currently the IBA is the only organization that works within legislation for Iowa Bowhunters.

It's hard to stress how important it is to support the IBA and your hunting rights - here's some more information about the IBA - (Who is the IBA?)

Now we ask that you help us reach our goal of 50 new members by January 17, 2004.

Please Join - we need your support. The cost is only $20 per year which includes:

- Supporting/protecting bowhunting in Iowa
- Quarterly IBA Magazine subscription 'Iowa Bowhunter' as well annual edition
- All new members will be eligible in a drawing for a new bow
- Discount at select 3-D shoots
- Limited Time only 1 doz free Iowawhitetail arrow wraps

If you are from central Iowa I would also encourage you to join the Mid Iowa Archers which also includes an IBA membership within their price of only $30.

Join online through our company store or go to IBA Web page If you sign up through the IBA web page be sure to mention Iowawhitetail.com for your free arrow wraps
I'm glad you brought the topic up again onecam. Early in my hunting career I was like many hunters I tended to be independent and not much of a joiner. Over time the more I learned about what we are up against and what we stand to loose I've done a 180. Now I'm a proud supporter of IBA, TIP, PF, DU, WU, NWTF and many other pro-hunting groups and conservation groups.

I urge others to join the fight to protect the things we value.

Old Buck

If you are an Iowa bowhunter - please join as the IBA needs your support.
Onecam-So are you saying that if you join the Mid Iowa Archers that also includes a membership to the IBA or do you need to purchase that seperately???
Correct - the cost for the Mid Iowa Archers membership includes the IBA membership.

Look forward to having you as a new member!
For just a measly $30.00 per year you get a yearly membership to both the Mid Iowa Archers and the Iowa Bowhunters Association. All new members go into a pool drawing for a free mathews bow, and the club that signs up the most new members will win a antelope hunt with Chuck Ceurton and Ridge Master Outfitters. Our club currently has a antelope hunt to raffle off to our club members in the spring. Also included with your MIA membership is $3 lane fees at Central Iowa Archery, discounted lanes fees on the video dart system at Archery Field and Sports, discounts at our outdoor shoots at our new course at the Izaak Walton League in Indianola starting in April, exclusive member only access to the Mid Iowa Archers Forum on the great Iowawhitetail.com. We are also currently working with other shops in the area to help support our club. PM OneCam or Supertec for more details.
Thank you.
Well guys,I have been looking for a cheap X-mas gift for myself and this one I couldn't pass up.I hope to meet some of you at the shops or the 3-d shoots.
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