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IBA Membership?.... Why not?


Bowhunting Addict
It has become apparent to me while spending time on this excellent website over the past several months that most of those who frequent here are bowhunters (as well as other seasons)........

My question to you.... Are you a member of the Iowa Bowhunters Association? If not then WHY?

They do an excellent job of lobbying on the behalf of the bowhunters in this state and should get a lot of credit for helping to keep Iowa's bowhunting season second to none.

So many complain about what they do not like, yet so few are willing to support organizations that fight hard to maintain the sport that we love........ if your not a member then JOIN... you will be doing a lot to insure the future of quality bowhunting seasons in Iowa
Great question cornfed.

In the IBA has taken some grief from a few because of stands taken on some hot issues. Any one who has read this website for more that 5 minutes realizes that we don't agree on everything.

As far as I am concerned the key questions are, do you appreciate the great bowhunting we have in Iowa and are you willing to spend a few dollars a year to help protect it and do you value the quality whitetail herd we have and are you willing to chip in to protect it?

If so, joining the IBA is one of the simplest things you can do. They keep an eye on legislative actions that periodically come up, some of which threaten whitetail hunting and sound wildlife management.

The DNR gets pressure from the insurance industry and some farmers to reduce the deer herd. The IBA is currently the most effective group fighting to protect our whitetail herd here in Iowa. The more members the IBA has the stronger the voice with which it speaks.

On Iowa whitetail we have fun discussing a lot of interesting issues and questions but IBA membership is a place I'd love to see all resident and nonresident bowhunters unite. I even think serious gun hunters should join because it is the best voice they have to protect a healthy, abundant deer herd.

I am proud to be a life member of the IBA and appreciate the hard work so many do behind the scenes to protect our whitetail resource and the sport of bowhunting.

Thanks IBA and Good Hunting!
Old Buck
You guys are on a roll this week with great change of pace topics......

Been a member for 23 years and ditto previous comments.

Every Bowhunter who has an interest in Iowa deer hunting should try to be a member of the IBA. It speaks for the bowhunters of Iowa with strong words in politics. And makes a good effort to keep us informed. The leadership of this organization deserves our support and we bowhunters who care about the this great Iowa recreation need to show them they have it by at least being a member.
Also a member! Plan to go to my first banquet in March. I've emailed a few of the board members recently with a few concerns and I have yet to hear from them. I should probably follow up with a phone call. Not only should eveyone be a member they should voice their concerns to the board members regularly.
I am a member. Don't agree with some of their stances on hot issues, but then again they don't agree with all of mine either.
10 year non-resident member here. If you hunt the state regularly, you should treat the state like your a resident!!!!

WI Shedhead
Glad the topic came up.
I just joined.
Can't wait to see crazy Uncle Ted in March.

I've been a member in the past, no question they do some fine work...but let's not forget the others out there pulling the wagon. The key is to support "all the groups" fighting and lobbying at the state house. Membership and letters to legislators do have an effect on how the votes get cast.

Membership numbers in any organization carries a lot of weight,.....

Iowa Sportsmans Federation represents over 40,000 Iowa NRA members...LaVerne Schroader (Lobbiest)

Izaak Walton League represents over 6000 Iowa Members....Dr Roy Overton (Lobbiest)

Iowa Bow Hunters Assoc represents 1500-2000 Iowa Members...LaVerne Wouck (lobbiest)

Pheasants Forever and a number of others also participate, support them all.....
ttt(To the top) Good Post!

Those not attending the banquet on Saturday night will be missing out on a great event!
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