Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



New Member
I have made up my mind that I would like to join.Please give me your feedback on pro's and cons just for conversation.Also,could someone tell me how to join? THANKS.
join, there are no cons to supporting the IBA, they are active in the legislature and keep in contact with the DNR. The IBA is always alert to anything that may affect bowhunters and bowhunting in Iowa www.iowabowhunters.org]IBA website
Along with the fact that they do us a great service in the political ring, the gatherings are TOP notch. I attended the Spring Banquet for the first time this year. What a blast that was! My opinion, the IBA is just as important to the Iowa deer hunter as the NRA is to all hunters and gun owners! I'll second, "The best $20.00 you will spend towards your interest in hunting."

They sure could use more members, as the political pressure on our deer hunting seems to be greater every year.
If you love to bowhunt and want to see bowhunting continue in the state of Iowa joining the IBA is the way to go. The more members the IBA has the more clout it has. The more clout is has the better it can protect the sport.
Hey Old Buck, you should think about joining the Mid Iowa Archers, For just a measley $30.00 you automatically become a IBA member, not to mention you get 1/2 off shooting lane fees at CIA and Discounted dart fees at AFS. That alone will pay for your membership easily in a month or two.
The bowhunters of Iowa owe a great debt to the IBA for politically managing the great benfits we enjoy today. I have been a member for 25 years and have went to numerous IBA meetings and events as well as DNR public hearings impacting Iowa bowhunting. When the IBA speaks, people listen and the bowhunters of Iowa are all the better for it's existance. Every bowhunter in Iowa SHOULD be a member if they have a stake in the future of bowhunting in Iowa.
Never Been to an IBA meeting, Never been to the Spring Banquet. But always shoot the annual 3D and ALWAYS been a member. What does that mean? I am an Iowa Bowhunter and I support an Organization that TRYS to support what I enjoy- BOWHUNTING. Do they always get it right? No one ever gets it right all the time for everyone.Join if you support but if you have to ask WHAT DOES IT DO FOR ME??? theres an old qoute that starts ASK NOT WHAT ---!!!!!
I signed up via "E" mail last week. The IBA sent me the forms within two days and tomorrows payday so they will get their money Wednesday. It was a very quick and easy process.

Iowaelkhtr says it all though, any organization is only as good as the members who ACTIVLEY participate. So don't cuss 'em if you aren't involved.

The 'Bonker
Iowawhitetail has been a longtime advocate of the Iowa Bowhunters Association. If you are not already a member we strongly recommend becoming one, it's inexpensive, easy and most of all to a good cause - protecting our bowhunting future in Iowa.

Iowawhitetail.com staff
Great Post, needs refreshed!

We also learned this year all new IBA members will be placed in a drawing for a new Mathews Legacy!

Also the member that signs up the most new members will win a free Antelope Hunt.

If your not already a member this is a great time to support the IBA.
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