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Ice thickness???


PMA Member
What is everyone seeing for ice thickness right now? Just curious. I wouldn't call myself a dedicated ice fisher, but I enjoy getting out a few times each winter with a buddy. Go to my uncles farm pond and usually can pull out some decent gills and a few bass and catfish if we are lucky.
Been fishing good size farm ponds in the east central part of iowa,have around 6 - 9 inches. Just got back from diamond lake had 7 - 8 inches,was a little thin around the edges.
I cut ice for the cows in a different spot on the pond yesterday, i couldn't find where dad had done it before cause the snow had blown over it. The ice was probably 10-14 inches thick here in southern IA.
depending where you are going big spirt is about 10-13 inches and the walleys are good right now. went out the past two days and got my limit both days in 35 min.
Except southeast Iowa. There was a few days when the lakes an ponds were about 3 inches and fishable. Then we got the warm days and rain. Then snow on the little ice that there was. I havent checked in a few days but Im guessing its still under 3 inches. Kinda frustrating. I bought alot of ice fishing gear this year.
I cut ice for the cows in a different spot on the pond yesterday, i couldn't find where dad had done it before cause the snow had blown over it. The ice was probably 10-14 inches thick here in southern IA.

Im guessing southwest Iowa?

I did alot of hole drilling today on some ponds around the area.

Started here in West Central Illinois. 4 inches of solid ice on ponds.

Went up to Mount Pleasant, Iowa. 6 inches of good ice.

Went down to Martin pond at Shimek Forest and there was 3 inches along the dam. The middle looked slushy dark. Probably only an inch out there.

Our last stop was in Van Buren county near Keosaqua. 3 inches of ice on most of the pond but again there was a slushy spot in the middle.

Every pond we went to had alot of weak spots and the outside edges were all thin ice and you will break through it so be careful. Weather.com is showing a lot of cold weather coming up. Next weekend should be plenty of ice anywhere you go.
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