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Ideas on removing arrow wraps?



Anyone have any good ideas on removing arrow wraps? I need to redo some fletching and I can't get the vanes off without the arrow wrap getting damaged and trying to take the wrap off with the fletching stripper stinks!! Very gooey stuff that wrap adhesive!
Will be replacing the iowawhitetail.com wraps before the new vanes go on!!
1. Hold over boiling water for a while, then run a dull blade over it.

2. Use a dull utility knive blade to remove them.

3. Get a wrap remover from your local pro shop.

4. Buy new arrows! Good luck, I feel your pain! I hate doing that!

Make sure you clean the arrow shafts very well with acetone, or denaturalized alochol. Then wipe them down good!
You seem to have all my answers today!!

Strip all the vanes off of the arrow with a dull blade. Soak the arrow wrap section in Laquer thinner for 10 minutes. Take a paper towel and wipe it right off. You may need to re-soak one more time for cleaner shaft. Laquer thinner won't hurt carbon arrows. I left an A/C/C in there for a few days and it was fine.
Thanks Hobart, That sounds like the kind of effort I wanted to put into it!
Nice and easy!
To be honest with you guys, I don't spend much time cleaning my shafts if I'm going to put a new wrap on. I strip the old wraps off with a sharp utility knife, give them a quick wipedown with alcohol, and attach the new wrap. Some arrows won't work well with a sharp utility blade, kind of digs into the arrows a bit, but my Bemans must have some sort of coating on the outside that prevents the blade from digging into the outer layers of the shaft. I usually have them stripped and cleaned in about a minute.
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