Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



Land of the Whitetail
Just got home from this mornings hunt, just have to vent a bit.

After only seeing a couple deer just before shooting light I decided to rattle for about 30 seconds and throw out a few grunts about 930 without expecting anything to show. Low and behold one of my target bucks pops out about 35 yards out looking for where the fight is. I grab my bow (should have already had it in hand after rattling, but as I said I didn't expect anything, was feeling down about not seeing much and thinking I should have waited until next week to use my vacation) draw, get the pins settled and feel good about my odds, hit the release.....and WHAM! My arrow hit the blind just below the window opening. Off goes the buck and of course, blowing.
I guess lesson learned to make sure I am up high enough that the arrow can clear the bottom of the window. I think I will give that spot a rest for a couple days, hopefully the buck wasn't to spooked.
Bummer! But on the bright side you rattled in one of your target bucks and had a great encounter when you least expected it. Can't complain about that!
Could have been worse, could have made a bad hit. Lesson learned. Now get back out there and be ready when the next opportunity arises! Good Luck!
Been there! But with a doe. Thought I had the window cover down far enough...nope. Arrow took a nose dive and off to the side. Can't remember how spooked the doe was afterwards. Lesson learned...hopefully!
I hit the support pole on my blind one time turkey hunting. The good thing about it is you will never forget to make sure your arrow clears again. Because of my incident every time i draw back in a blind that comes to mind. It sucks but you learned something.
4DABUCKS is right. What a great experience, you will never forget that moment you made happen. The result will be different every time. Hunting. Enjoy Mister!
I've had more of those scenarios while still hunting out here than I care to remember. I was stalking two bucks with 4 does and finally got to draw, but the buck I was after stepped behind some branches. I went to let down and somehow managed to trigger my release, shooting a rock 10 feet in front of me. All 6 sets of eyes were fixed on me. But that moment of the stalk and draw will stay in my head forever! Get back after him!
I hit the support pole on my blind one time turkey hunting. The good thing about it is you will never forget to make sure your arrow clears again. Because of my incident every time i draw back in a blind that comes to mind. It sucks but you learned something.

Experience is the best teacher! :grin:
The sun will come up again tomorrow. If you hunt long enough stuff will happen. Now get back out there and Good Luck!
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