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IDNR: Brush up on Safety Tips


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<span style='font-size: 14pt'>From the Iowa DNR :</span>
Deer Hunters Encouraged to Brush up on Safety Tips

DES MOINES - Four deer hunting related injuries were reported during the weekend of first shotgun season, prompting state officials to encourage hunters to brush up on their safe hunting techniques.

"The number one cause of deer hunting related incidents in Iowa is shooting at running deer. Hunters become fixated on their target and forget to identify a safe backstop and what is beyond their target," said Megan Wisecup, recreational safety programs supervisor for the Iowa Department of Natural Resources.

Wisecup said hunters should keep the following safety items in mind.

1. Blaze Orange. Make sure to at least have the minimum required amount of blaze orange on at all times. Hunters are to often mistaken for game when the appropriate clothing items are not worn. Brown jackets, hats, and pants are often mistaken by hunters for a deer. Remember, you want to be seen from all sides.

2. Plan your hunt, hunt your plan. Know where all members of your hunting party are at, at all times. Be especially careful when hunting in heavily wooded areas or uneven terrains. It is easy for another hunter to be out of sight.

3. As cold weather settles in and hunters spend more time in their vehicles, remember to keep the gun unloaded and cased at all times. It is easy for hunters to forget this important safety issue when moving from one location to another or simply sitting in the vehicle to warm up. The trigger of the firearm could easily get caught on an item in the vehicle causing it to discharge creating damage to the vehicle or injuring a person. One of the most common citations issued during deer season is having a loaded firearm or uncased firearm in the vehicle.

4. With the recent snowfall and dropping temperatures hunters need to remember to exercise caution when traversing the icy terrain from one hunting spot to another or when retrieving game. Not only are hunters at risk for falling and discharging their firearm but it is also possible for hunters to fall and get an obstruction in their barrel. Keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction and keep the safety on until ready to shoot. If at all possible unload the firearm when moving to a different location or while retrieving game.



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