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If a buck is directly under you-


PMA Member
I've never had it happen, but what is the protocol as far as shot placement (or shooting at all) if a deer is directly under you. I mean like you're in your stand, and he's right under you. For the sake or this discussion, we'll say that he's walking downwind of you and if you wait so you have a better angle he's going to wind you so it's now or never.

I can't find a view of what the vitals area would look like from the top, so I'm wondering if you put it right between his shoulder blades or where you should aim. Or is it a low percentage shot and shouldn't be taken?
Well over the years Ive shot 3 different bucks like this 2 of which were spined and never took another step, the third I hit a little off center and got one lung and clipped the heart before the broadhead lodged in the brisket and he only went 60-70yds or so and died in sight. In all 3 scenarios I just held my pin centered right and left and just behind the shoulder blades.
Its probably not the highest percentage shot but Im confident enough to take it if I think I wont get a better one.
I would never take a shot like you described....If you don't have a chance to get both lungs its a terrible shot selection.JMHO
I will take this shot all day long. I have shot many deer this way and never once not found them. There is a huge artery on both sides of the spine. And the spine is there also. Its a great shot for a lung and heart kill. Say what you want but I have no problem with this shot.
I think if one is going to take this shot the deer better be walking pretty much straight towards or away from you. Chances are you will hit the spine or still get a lung. If he's walking broadside chances are your gonna shoot over top of him.
not a good percentage shot there is an artical in the new Iowa Sportsman on this more than likely you are only going to clip one lung and that is a good way to lose a deer they can go a long way on one lung
I've shot two deer that were right under me. The doe dropped in her tracks and it wasn't a spine hit (well, maybe one of the blades slipped between a vertebrae, but the spine didn't take a direct hit). The other was a buck and I aimed just to the side of the spine (and hit where I aimed).

Part of the problem with this shot is: A) hitting the spine. B) getting only one lung. C) high wound entrance so bad blood trail. I was lucky enough to get a second arrow into the buck, which still didn't give a great blood trail.:mad: He was recovered though.

I'd probably take the shot again, given the opportunity.
I like the shot, I would take it over a quartering away. Every time I have taken it I have gotten a complete pass through so it was a quick recovery. I wouldnt want to take the shot with a slower bow though.
Taken the shot twice...neither deer got out of sight.

Given the chance, I wouldn't hestiate.

Obviously not an ideal shot, but if I were going to take it again I'd remember to bend at the waste.;)
I aim where the belly meets the dirt with my 20 yard pin. that way you will hit the deer right where you want too. And you have a better chance at a pass thru.
I wouldn't take it ,let a bunch of bucks walk because of that shot. Kinda risky hate to risk any thing getting away.
I wouldn't take it ,let a bunch of bucks walk because of that shot. Kinda risky hate to risk any thing getting away.

Not trying to pick on you or anything and I realize its not the highest percentage shot but of all the people who have posted taking this shot none have claimed to have lost a deer doing it. Now dont get me wrong Im sure deer have been lost with this shot but Ive heard of deer being lost that were doubled lunged to. I think if your a good enough shot to put it where it needs to be there arent nearly as many "bad" shots as people think, there are some that are better than others but you can get it done from a lot more angles and positions than just broadside or quartering away. Now dont take that the wrong way I would never take a shot at a deer that was facing directly away from me, and probably not one facing directly towards me but Id never give up a shot at this angle if I felt it was the best shot I was going to have.
I have tracked many deer with this shot with a very low recovery percentage. I think it all comes down to the shooter. Most people just throw their pin on the deer and let it go and they typically shoot a little higher than intended resulting in a bad hit. For the guys that know how to shoot this shot, dead deer......
Only once have I had this kind of shot opportunity on a BIG buck. Plenty on does but never taken it. I elected to pass hoping for a better chance and regret it to this day. I've just always heard that it's a tougher shot than one would imagine and I've never practiced it...

Is the trick to aim a little lower, expecting that your arrow will hit high of your 20 yd. pin?
The only down fall of this shot is not always a blood trail. If you dont see him fall, give him plenty of time and he will be dead in 100 yards.
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