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If there was only one choice in life


New Member
What would you choose, weather it being trapping, bow, muzzleloading,gunhunting, small game, shed hunting, waterfowl, or even shoot gobblers besides any other big game other than whitetail... What would you choose if there was only one choice in life...
Mine would be shed hunting, cause theres no restrictions on a bag limit and you can do it all year round considering travel...

Life has a zillion choices, just imagine if there was only one!
I would choose to search for the perfect margarita enjoyed in the perfect setting and pray that I never find it so my quest would last forever.

Homer Simpson once said "Never waste an Anejos or even a Resposado on a margarita, use the Blanco instead." A wise man indeed, that Homey.

The 'Bonker
muzzleloading in alaska! asolutely love to do it! i was going to choose bow but i was affraid i would eventually go hungry due to the bad years that i may have!
Bowhunting the big bulls..elk that is.......and everyone else chooses to shedhunt......just imagine if that were the case, the number of mature animals running the woods.
i'm with ya split. smokepole in AK. would have been there this fall but my wife lost her job. next year......moose, bou, bear..
Im with shredder, i would chase big bulls all over with my bow, there's nothing like a huge bull screaming down the mountain at you
I'm with you Alaskan, I'll take shed hunting, no limits, no season and I wouldn't even have to kill, Living in the country with the animals is making me soft, getting to the point where I don't want to shoot what I watch out my window. But I'll pick their antlers up any day of the week.
I really can’t imagine not hunting whitetail bucks, but I was hiking in the Rockies in the middle of September last year and hearing those bulls bugle in real life (something I’ve always wanted to hear) made my heart race and I knew at that moment an elk bowhunt would be in my future somewhere...
Dito Kat. I think that would be the best. Bow hunting any big game a this point, but if it couldn't be whitetail then a big bull elk would be at the top of the list.
Whitetails are great! I'd love to be alone with a bow and have elk sounding off in the Rockies. Heaven ???????
Lately I've been into popping tree rats off the bird feeder with the 'Ol .22. I've been off work for a weeks R&R at home and am up to 9 confirmed kills as of this morning. Ah yes, nothing like killing and then going to Sunday School, it's good for the soul I tell ya'.

However, as much fun as this has been, I wouldn't want it to be my only style of hunting. I'd have to go with Bowhunting Big Buglin' Bulls. With my present success rate on them I might lose those unwanted pounds but I'll keep trying. Of course I'm never too proud to take a cow if the opportunity arises. FYI Muddy, I'm talkin' cow elk here NOT women!
With out a doubt I'd choose duck hunting. There's nothing better than seeing a nice group of greenheads coming in to the decoys, wings cupped making a hard detour to your spread, then having the group of yahoos in the next blind over start blasting and scare your birds off..........ah yes how I love it.
[censored] Robertson, formerly of Robertson stick bows, was quoted once "If i had to choose between sex and bowhunting, that would be tuff....i really like sex"

Always thought that was a good quote!
If there was only one choice in life I'm stickin with big whitetails.But man Coyote hunting sure is fun too........
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