Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

If you don't like this you gotta be dead!!


Active Member
I took this picture this evening when I got home from work. I stepped out on the deck and took a picture, you gotta love snow!!! I decided it was so nice I had to post a picture. Then I went for a walk in the yard and found a nice rub, about 70 yards from the house..................I LOVE Saskatchewan.
Here's the rub I found back in the pines, they like the willows!! I know it only means one cruised through but having deer in the yard is great, my wife said a doe and 2 fawns munched on a stack of alfalfa bales I have outside yesterday around noon.....while my dogs slept on the deck.
Ok fellas, stop!
You are making me jealous. I love Iowa and it is beautiful when it snows, but I really miss living in Colorado!
I agree, now I know why the Indians hunted in only loin cloths here in Iowa! By the time I got to my tree and got my climber in place I was SOAKED!! I took two days off work to hunt early muzzleloader season and all I did was get wind burn and B.O.!!! Should have waited until mid November to use my vacation to bow hunt. Hope it gets COOOOLD!! Pretty bad when mosquitos are still biting you at the end of October!
Sask, can you send about a foot of that down here to Iowa? It is definately beautiful.

Something to ponder for ya'll...

Have you ever stopped to think about a fresh snow? Not that you have to get out and shovel or break out the snow blower, but on a different aspect. I know around here there are several residences or businesses that are eyesores, to say the least. But when the snow falls and blankets the earth, everything is covered and becomes beautiful. This was pointed out to me once in an email or by a pastor at church. Heck, I really don't remember. But when I looked at it in this perspective, they were right. It really creates a Heavenly atmosphere, at least until it melts away. Ok back to the hunting stories....

I still want the snow, Sask!
I'm sure we'll be getting our share soon enough...due to have a ton of the stuff dropped on us, after the last couple of years
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