I hunt days ending in Y
Let's throw some heat at team Low Hanging Fruit and see if they can handle the pressure. Had a bird come by me about 7. Was just waiting for him to come around to the decoys. Nope off he went just a talking. Everything quit talking after 7:30. Just being lazy and enjoying the day I called about every 20 min. or so. Heard a soft gobble about 9:30 and saw the head headed my way. He hung up at 45 yds. but one stare at the jake decoy and he thought I can whip his butt. At 30 yds. he met a load of 6's. I got a hickory also. Double bonus. Heat and food for winter. Also I didn't notice till I got home that his center tail feathers lacked the black bars. He lost some of those when flopping.