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I'm getting a new bow


Land of the Whitetail
I'm going to be buying a new bow this winter/spring so I will have it in time to shoot all summer and go to some 3-d shoots. Last Sunday I went and show the new 2012 models: Bowtech Insanity, Matthews Heli-m, and Hoyt Vector. I also shot a couple other Models by those makers but I want to get a 2012.

Definitly won't be buying the Hoyt Vector, I can tell you that. From just drawing back and shooting a couple arrows from each without a stablizer or sights or anything I am really leaning towards the Bowtech Insanity. It will be that or the Matthews. Bowtech seemed better. It has the newest technology on the market, while the Heli-m is for the most part the Z7.

Before shooting anything I was really interested in the Elite bows. But after talking to the guy at the shop he says they are overpriced and that they are old technology. You can buy a cheaper Hoyt or Matthews with the same technology. I still haven't shot one but that makes me not really want to spend the time to shoot one.

He really liked the Insanity and so did I. They are all a big difference and super nice compared to my 2002 Hoyt MT Sport:D.

Does anyone have anything that I should know about the Insanity such as pros or cons that I may not know about?
That's just funny right there. I wonder what he means by old technology. What's newer technology and what makes it better technology? Does he carry Elite bows? I would bet that a new Elite would be considerably cheaper than any of those bows you shot.

If I were you I'd shoot every bow I can get my hands on and let the bow decide.
If I were looking for a new bow an Elite would definitely be one that I would look at seriously.
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Cooter said:
Con it's a bowtech do some research. From what I've read they have the highest amount of issues.

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I love my BowTech, never had any problems. Shot them for years
After 8 years with the same bow, I ended up pulling the trigger. I shot just about every 2011 and 2012 bow over the last 3 months. Really wanted to shoot Strother and Maitland, but there's no dealers anywhere around. Oh well, no big.

I'm ordered and am picking up my Elite Answer on saturday. Go shoot 'em. They're the smoothest bows out there. Go ask the bow geeks on ArcheryTalk if Elite's suck. Plus, they've got the best customer service and warranty in the industry.

I did actually like the Insanity every bit as much as the Answer. Probably would have gotten the model with the bigger brace height. I just couldn't justify that extra $200. I'm personally not a fan of mathews. I'm not gonna say they're ugly, but they're ugly.

I wonder what he meant by old technology. If he's referring to binary cams, Bowtech uses them too... I'm guessing that dude doesn't sell Elites, just a hunch.
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Its all a matter of what you like. I have heard alot more bad things about the bow tech then elites. Actually I have never heard anything bad about elite. I personaly shoot the Hoyt Carbon Element RKT. I love everything about this bow (other then the price tag).
I have shot the Insanity and an Elite side by side. 70 lb. Elite pulls easier than a 60 lb. Insanity, that I know for a fact. If that is old technology, then I am all about the old. Different strokes for different folks...they are all good bows. Find the one that fits you best! Let us know how you come out.
I shot Mathews for many years until switching to the carbon element. With that said, if I was to switch right now, it would be to the Elite Answer.... I've shot most of the new bows and IMO the RKT Element and the Elite answer are the 2 sweetest bows available. Have heard alot of good things about the Monster 7 as well, but have not shot one.
I'm really not sure what he meant by 'new technology/old technology.' I'm not a bow geek and don't really know much about them on the technical side. Something about the cams and the gears in something on the Insanity is what he was talking about and how it is new technology and that he thinks a lot of other manufactuers will be going to. No, he does't carry Elite's, he didn't have anything bad to say about them either though. He just said they are overpriced for what they are, that a similiar model of Hoyt/Matthews/Bowtech is a lot cheaper using the same technology. He definitily wasn't pushing me one way or the other, encoureged me to try shooting some Elites. He said he doesn't carry Elites yet because they have not been around long enough so he doesn't want to sell a bunch then have something bad happen to the company then been screwed with warrenties etc. But, yet they will be selling Strothers which is new so I'm not sure I get that. I know it's all about what feels best to you when you try it out, I'll just have to shoot some more models. It seems to kind of be like the Ford vs Chevy vs Dodge pissing match the more I read about and hear people talk abou them. Just gotta try them all, but so far the Insanity is on the top of my list, thanks for the replies!
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