They (the rotten bast_rd poachers) have done it again. Two bucks killed on the east end of our section Firday night, not fifty yards off the road. I found one of them dead Saturday morning and one shot in the spine and unable to move. I called the wardens and they said it happened the night before. One of them was a decent 6 X 5 that was a shooter in almost anybodys book, he was at least 7 1/2 years old and on the down hill side( but still a very nice buck). The other was a 3 1/2 year old 8 point that would have been a great buck in a year or two.
We have a serious problem out there, the wardens say its an epedemic, thats its rampant everywhere; the disease poachers whacking big antlered deer with any means they can. The above mentioned two were likely high powered, and the poachers got scared off before they could retrieve the antlers. The wardens were going to retrieve the bullets out of the carcass`s later after I left. The good deal is the capes and antlers are destined to become deer decoys to bust road hunters.
It makes me want to quit hunting deer and just hunt the poachers....I know it would be tuff, but it cant be any tougher than to outsmart the huge deer we hunt. I just wish vigilante justice was legal.
We need to help the wardens anyway we can if we want to enjoy our sport as we know it for years to come. We as hunters for the most part know the ground and area we hunt better than anybody,(unless its the farmers) and need to work stop this epedemic anyway we can. Please help when you can!
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We have a serious problem out there, the wardens say its an epedemic, thats its rampant everywhere; the disease poachers whacking big antlered deer with any means they can. The above mentioned two were likely high powered, and the poachers got scared off before they could retrieve the antlers. The wardens were going to retrieve the bullets out of the carcass`s later after I left. The good deal is the capes and antlers are destined to become deer decoys to bust road hunters.
It makes me want to quit hunting deer and just hunt the poachers....I know it would be tuff, but it cant be any tougher than to outsmart the huge deer we hunt. I just wish vigilante justice was legal.
We need to help the wardens anyway we can if we want to enjoy our sport as we know it for years to come. We as hunters for the most part know the ground and area we hunt better than anybody,(unless its the farmers) and need to work stop this epedemic anyway we can. Please help when you can!
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