Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

I'm halfway impressed


PMA Member
I bought an Ameristep Brickhouse blind this spring and I really like the way it looks and assembles. However it has been trouble since day one. When I assembled it the 1st time out of the box one of the fiberglass poles shattered, well I called them up and 3 days later had 2 new poles. That got them 1 free brownie point. Then the blind got used for approx. 1 week with a reasonable number of setups and takedowns. Well last night I put it up to show a buddy and noticed that the seam above the door was ripped out about 4 inches in 2 places, also when I went to expand one of the sides I noticed that the wheel in the center of the side where the fiberglass rods join had pulled out of the side. Needless to say I was less than impressed and they lost a couple of points. Well I called them this morning and there should be a new blind on my doorstep in a couple of days. Earned a couple of points back..... seems like the blind could have been made with a little stronger material and the fiberglass rods could have been a half-inch or so shorter to reduce stress on the seams. I will say that their customer service is 1st Class even if their blinds need some refining...
husker, sorry for your bad experiences. makes me glad that i saved up for the import from double bull. worth every damn penny and their customer service is great as well. of course when you call them you might end up talking turkey for 5 minutes before you get to the problem at hand!!
I was gonna get a Double Bull but I got a great deal on the Ameristep so I went for it, they have one more chance to sway me and then the blind goes to Cabelas and a D.B. comes home with me
i hear ya on the good deals. i hope that it works out but man, you should try a double bull and then make another decision. good luck.
sorry bud........was it torn, or was the stiching coming loose? when i looked at it all i saw was the stiching.

ohh yeh. did you happen to mention to ameristep the 3 bladed hole in one of the windows?
No Moose it was the stiching that was unravling. Nothing that you did to it, except for that obnoxious hole in the mesh window. Like I said to ya when I first put it up the poles should be a bit shorter to lessen the stress on the fabric... but what do I know... you and I just fix engineering screw-ups for a living....
I bought an Ameristep Doghouse last year and have used it many times and it has been great. There has been two turkeys shot out of it this year and a deer last year. The only problem I have had with it is that the backpack bag got a hole in it. Other than that no problems. Well worth the measly $65.00 spent on it and easily setup to use.
I bought a Brickhouse and the 2 poles shattered on the first setup. I took it back and got another one and it worked for two weeks before the material at the hub ripped through. I took it back and got a refund. Poor quality!
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