Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

I'm heading to


Well-Known Member
Colorado for a week of Elk and Mulie hunting

Hopefully we will have some luck - I'll be sure to update everyone on the hunt when we get back.
I knew I should have went to college to become a Marketing Consultant.....those hours are awesome. Drop a biggie Chris.
What hours?

He will probably go there shoot a world class bull and decide hey I got six days left I may as well get a mulie tag...you know the rest of the story...I look for him to be back no later than tuesday!
Limb - it's hard to give you a straight answer with "Daddy Smurf" on your Avatar - hilarious

I'm 0 for 4 on Elk with a bow so I would be pretty happy with a 4pt bull or even a nice cow by the road
I agree with Chris Limb.....every one of your posts I read...when I read it it comes across is a strong Irish accent similar to the Lucky Charms character.
iron wood has some kind of "issues" with my farley jpeg, yet this little underpants gnome is acceptable? i can barely stand to read one of limb's posts, because that creepy little dude is looking at me. gives me the creeps
You guys crack me up...Get up from your computer and walk around his eyes follow you too...

He just a common yard knome.
Common yard knome? If thats a common yard knome then the chickens are in the bread pan pickin at the dough.

How does one spell Nome anyway? Can't find it im my dictionary.

The 'Bonker
Good luck onecam, I hope I get to make that trip someday. As of right now we're heading to canada next fall to do a little black bear hunt with the sticks and strings.
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