Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

I'm off!!


Well-Known Member
going on a solo camping/hunting adventure starting in 15 minutes!! can't hardly wait!!

Ghost & Auggie don't be surprised if i end up knocking on your doors if i put one down!!
Hey muddy, If you get down have Auggie bring you over. We can put you on a few does.Hope ta see ya !:bc:
does?? beings i only have 1 buck tag right now and no doe tags, for that part of the state, i think i'll hunt where i'll be at!!

i can't get auggie or ghost to reply back to my PM's so i don't know if i'll make it over...a time and place would help out considerably. i'll hang around the house for another few minutes and see if thhey reply.
goodluck muddy, im going on my adventure after math class, in about two and a half hours.
dang college
same to you. man, it's getting crack sweaty out today...those waterholes could be REALLY good tonite, tomorrow, and sunday!!
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