Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

in full swing


New Member
You can tell the deer season is in full swing. Got to the farm yesterday to find my fence cut and tire tracks. At least they were nice enough to cut wire right by the post so I only had to pound in a couple posts to make a quick repair. If you are reading this- I hope that you had fun at my expense. Don't brag about the big deer you shot or claim to be a hunter, you are a lowlife scum outlaw that will go to jail if I ever catch you. Killer maybe, hunter never as you have no ethics or sense of moral fiber. Being local you know that I'm not there much and the chance of being caught is small, you take a free ride while you can. Enter again at your own risk because I'll be looking for you.
I would hope we do not have to many like that on our site.Sorry to here about your fence.And we as hunter's wonder why we cannot get permission out there.
tell us how you relly feel,
sorry that happend, but i think that is just one of the bad parts about owning land, I have a problem with people traping
Found a similar sickening thing at ours yesterday. My brother-in-law found it while combining the corn and it cannot be put in words here since it would not be politically correct and could be fuel for some of our worst enemies. Perhaps I will put something in River Bottom's post about what landowners DO NOT like.
Buckhunter- I doubt the people are on this site. Just my rant as an open letter to trespassers. One step below PETA as far as I'm concerned. The other thing is Missouri's rifle season opens soon and the border is right across the road. Last year I had a rash of 4 wheeler tracks about the same time so I have my suspects. I'd only need to catch one once.
Speaking of combines. My friends father-in law had a buck run into the combine head a couple weeks ago near Red Oak. Got him in the front leg, flipped him over and he ran over it.Must have gotten confused in the dark.
pharmer...I have a homebrew trail cam that we could make nearly bullet proof if you wanna try that.

Ooops, hey Horntickler...you didn't log out of my computer!

pharmer...that was my post above.

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