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Indiana State Senate chief David Long calls for study trophy deer industry's disease


Sunday, April 27, 2014

Indiana State Senate chief David Long calls for study of trophy deer industry's disease risks


Since Ryan Sabalow and or the indystar.com are not going to even acknowledge my help with the story BUCK FEVER, I guess I will finally have to. I have/had helped Ryan since 2012 put together this story on Buck Fever and game farms, and the potential for CWD there from. I had thought, the least he or the indystar could have done, was acknowledge my help, and why I do this, and have done this since December 14, 1997, they called me, I did not call them. but I was wrong. anyway, when I lost my mother to the hvCJD, and just made a promise, never forget, never let them forget, but, as with many times in the past, they all seem just to forget.

you can see my communications below with Ryan Sabalow and the Indystar since 2012, the information I was sending them and trying to help educate them, over time toward the bottom of this posting. ...just saying, cause if I don’t, nobody else does. but, as I said before, job well don ryan and the indystar. ...Terry S. Singeltary Sr.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Indiana State Senate chief David Long calls for study of trophy deer industry's disease risks


kind regards, terry
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