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I see the new antlerless quotas by county as well. Clearly their objective is still to slaughter away... A few counties went down but judging by the lack of change in the counties I'm involved with, this probably means that the populations in those counties has plummeted rather than just steadily decrease, as I saw way fewer deer where I hunt compared to years past (weather aside) and yet the quotas remain unchanged. I feel like I'm beating a dead horse with this but I don't like the direction we're going...
I think the cost share and public hunting is for counties or NGOs (PF, NWTF, DU etc) that own land and want to cost share with the DNR to improve it. I do not think this has anything to do with CRP, wetlands or water retention programs on private land funded by the NRCS or whoever funds that stuff.

NR regs has to do with preference points.

Only three counties that I saw have higher proposed quotas. Clarke, Warren and Lucas.

I think there are hot spots in some counties and until the DNR has a way of defining areas smaller than an entire county the quotas may never go down.

There are several different ways you can let your opinion be heard. Send a letter, FAX, call or attend a public meeting. It is everybody’s responsibility to let the DNR know how you feel.

The ‘Bonker
I think there are hot spots in some counties and until the DNR has a way of defining areas smaller than an entire county the quotas may never go down.

I agree 100% ... So what happens as a result of this? Do populations just get creamed outside of these hotspots until the deer numbers "as a county" are where they want them to be? Time will tell...

There are several different ways you can let your opinion be heard. Send a letter, FAX, call or attend a public meeting. It is everybody’s responsibility to let the DNR know how you feel.

Very true. I hope everybody is letting their representatives know their thoughts/feelings regardless of stance...
Just to be clear, these are administrative rules changes for the DNR proposed by the Natural Resources Commission. You need to contact the DNR to let them know how you feel on these proposed changes. Never hurts to let your elected officials know though.

The 'Bonker
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