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Iowa Deer Classic - gathering ?


New Member
So, is anyone getting together to tell jokes and lies next weekend at the Deer Classic ? Last year a lot of you met on Friday night, and I couldn't be there. I'm open this time if others are.
It would be kind of nice if we could stop at the booth, and get a name tag with IowaWhitetail.Com on it, with a deer skull like on the arrow wraps..that way, as we are walking around, we can notice other people...just an idea..pry way to late now...
im buying a camo hat if yall got some ... i need a iowawhitetail hat.....
hope to meet some in realy life sence where only like 60 miles apart most
Saturday night is the IBA banquet. Sunday night is tear-down. Friday night after the show for an Iowa Whitetail get-together sounds good to me!
Old Buck
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