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Iowa Habitat Workshop in Ames

Old Buck

Life Member
Want to know more about improving habitat for wildlife? Attend the Iowa Habitat Workshop being put on by Pheasants Forever in Ames, Iowa on January 31 and February 1.

Some of the seminar topics include warm season grass establishment, winter food and cover plots, timber stand improvements for deer and turkey, direct seeding and other reforestation projects, and many more.

I'll be there Saturday which is when the seminars will be given. For more info call (641) 774-2238. I'm going to email Tony an attachment with lots more info. Hopefully he can make this available.

Old Buck

PS If you aren't already a Pheasants Forever member projects like this are just one reason you should be. No habitat - no wildlife! Also the money raised in your county by your chapter is spent in your county. Help them out.
Iowa Habitat Workshop

January 31 & February 1, 2003
Gateway Center Hotel – Ames, Iowa

A Pheasants Forever habitat forum that will help you plan your new habitat projects, and show you the things you can do to improve the ones that are already in the ground.

FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 31 –Your Choice of the Habitat Bus Tour or the Nursery Tour
12:00 - 4:30 An Area Motorcoach Tour highlighting Bear Creek and other Buffer Project or
1:00 - 3:30 A Birds-Eye View of the State Forest Nursery

4:00 - 8:00 Registration: Floor 2– Gateway Center
4:00 - 10:00 Habitat Exhibitors Set-up & Exhibits Open Floor 2
7:00 - 8:00 2002 Iowa PF State Art Competition & First Annual Kids Art Contest—Ballroon
8:00 - 10:00 Iowa PF Hospitality Suites—Sponsored By the Iowa PF Council

SATURDAY February 1st
7:30 - 2:00 Registration: Floor 2
Coffee & Rolls:
All Day—Visit Exhibitors & Silent Auction in the Hall

8:30 – 9:45 General Session
 Welcome--Jeff Vonk, Director, Iowa DNR
 2002 Farm Bill Update Find out what’s going on with Farm Bill Implementation. Dave Nomsen, PF
 DNR & NRCS Private Lands Programs. The progress we’ve made, the future ahead. NRCS/DNR

9:45– 10:00 Break—Sponsored by Whites Woodworking

Individual Help with your Habitat Planning!! Landowners will have the opportunity to meet with one of many wildlife biologists, land managers, and foresters at this conference. Bring along your aerial photos, soils map, and pictures of your area (the more data the better). Biologists will help you begin the planning process.


10:00 – 10:45
Salon 1—The Farmable Wetlands Program— FWP’s are a great new continuous CRP practice to restore Water Quality and bring back the Pheasants on your farm. –Jerod Findlay, NRCS / Brian Hellyer, DNR
Salon 2 –Farm Pond Creation & Management—How To Make Great Fishing & Wildlife Habitat. Get the most production out of your farm pond and maximize the habitat potential around it. Mark Flammang, DNR Fisheries
Salon 3—Warm Season Grass Establishment for Wildlife. Native grasses are a key component in upland bird management. Learn how to get a great stand in one year, rather than several. Terry Haindfield, DNR Wildlife
Salon 4—The Wetland Reserve & Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP). Two of the most innovative programs of the Farm Bill are tailor made for long-term habitat protection. NRCS

10:45 – 11:30
Salon 1--– Winter Food and Cover Plots. There’s no better instant habitat than a well planned food plot, but poor food plots can be killers. Learn the best crops, size & shape for your food plot. Kevin Anderson, DNR Wildlife
Salon 2--– Using Fire To Manage Grassland Habitat---If managing with a match was only that simple. Common sense considerations, by fire experts. Scott Moats—The Nature Conservancy
Salon 3— Living With Predators & Managing For Upland Birds In A Farm Landscape. Simple management techniques to minimize the impact of predation. Bill Clark--ISU
Salon 4—-Renovating CRP--Turning Lemons into Lemonade –Old CRP just doesn’t produce like it used to. Learn techniques to improve that old cover and make it live again . Pete Berthelson

11:30 – 12:15
Salon 1—You Are What You Plant. Be sure you know how to choose the right tree stock, Native Grass and other Habitat Materials for a successful project. Bob Hibbs & Bill Johnson, DNR Forestry & Wildlife
Salon 2—High & Low Tech Tools for Habitat Planning—Tools as simple as dot-grids, online aerial photos, the new ARC View, GPS for plotting habitat and other cool programs to help with planning. Ullman/Koskovich-- DNR Wildlife
Salon 3—Stream Habitat Improvement Techniques. Many of Iowa’s streams have been severely degraded. Here are some ways to make your streamside cover work to improve your fishery. Gary Seigwarth, DNR Fisheries
Salon 4—Your Little Piece Of Heaven—How To Make Your “80” Perfect. There’s no such thing as perfect, but here’s some ways to get as close as possible to the ultimate cover for your farm…Todd Bogenshutz, DNR Wildlife

12:15 – 1:00
Salon 1--Timber Stand Improvements for Deer and Turkey –If you don’t think you have enough deer and turkeys already--don’t just stand there. Learn about TSI techniques to help improve your woodlot. Randy Goerndt
Salon 2—Using The Wildlife Habitat Incentive Program To Build Habitat On Your Farm. Learn about a newly expanded program to help you with shelterbelts, native grass, and tree planting. Mark Lindlott--NRCS
Salon 3— Evolution of Iowa Pheasant Management—How far we’ve come in the management of Iowa’s major gamebird--from regulation & stocking to habitat. Al Farris
Salon 4— Direct Seeding And Other Reforestation Projects. Great information on newest and best data in direct seeding for hardwood regeneration and traditional info on planting seedlings. Paul Tauke DNR Forester

1:00 to 2:00--Luncheon

2:00 -3:30 Iowa Council Business Meeting—In the Boardroom


2:00 -2:45
Salon 1-- Timber Stand Improvements for Deer and Turkey –If you don’t think you have enough deer and turkeys already--don’t just stand there. Learn about TSI techniques to help improve your woodlot. Randy Goerndt
Salon 2 - Farm Pond Creation & Management—How To Make Great Fishing & Wildlife Habitat. Get the most production out of your farm pond and maximize the habitat potential around it. Mark Flammang, DNR Fisheries
Salon 3--Native Prairie Establishment And Restoration. An in depth seminar to help you restore a remnant or establish a high quality reintroduced prairie, for wildlife habitat or just to enjoy. Bill Johnson, DNR Wildlife
Salon 4--Winter Food and Cover Plots. There’s no better instant habitat than a well planned food plot, but poor food plots can be killers. Learn the best crops, size & shape for your food plot. Kevin Anderson, DNR Wildlife
2:45 - 3:30 -
Salon 1--– Filterstrips & Buffers— Iowa leads the nation in Conservation Buffers. Learn about one of the best USDA programs to help you with wildlife and water quality improvements. NRCS
Salon 2--– Using Fire To Manage Grassland Habitat---If managing with a match was only that simple. Common sense considerations, by fire experts. Scott Moats—The Nature Conservancy
Salon 3— Living With Predators & Managing For Upland Birds In A Farm Landscape. Simple management techniques to minimize the impact of predation. Bill Clark
Salon 4— Renovating CRP--Turning Lemons into Lemonade –Old CRP just doesn’t produce like it used to. Learn techniques to improve that old cover and make it live again. Pete Berthelson

3:30 – 4:00 Break—Sponsored by Osenbaugh Seed-

4:00 - 4:45 -
Salon 1-- The Farmable Wetlands Program— FWP’s are a great new continuous CRP practice to restore Water Quality and bring back the Pheasants on your farm. –Jerod Findlay, NRCS / Brian Hellyer, DNR
Salon 2— You Are What You Plant. Be sure you know how to choose the right tree stock, Native Grass and other Habitat Materials for a successful project. Bob Hibbs & Bill Johnson, DNR Forestry & Wildlife
Salon 3— Stream Habitat Improvement Techniques. Many of Iowa’s streams have been severely degraded. Here are some ways to make your streamside cover work to improve your fishery. Gary Seigwarth, DNR Fisheries
Salon 4-- Your Little Piece Of Heaven—How To Make Your “80” Perfect. There’s no such thing as perfect, but here’s some ways to get as close as possible to the ultimate cover for your farm. Todd Bogenshutz DNR Wildlife

Iowa Pheasants Forever
Private Lands Habitat Workshop
& State Habitat Meeting

Landowner/Attendee Registration
Private Land Habitat Workshop - Iowa State Habitat Meeting—Landowner Registration
Principal Contact _________________________________________________________Tele #________________________
Contact Address ________________________________________________________________________________________
Person Attending _________________________________________________________Tele #________________________
Person Attending _________________________________________________________Tele #________________________
Person Attending _________________________________________________________Tele #________________________
Person Attending _________________________________________________________Tele #________________________
Person Attending _________________________________________________________Tele #________________________
Please list additional persons attending on the back of this sheet.
Return this ENTIRE SHEET to the address below.
FULL PACKAGE REGISTRATION: (pricing is the same for PF chapter committee and/or landowner scholarships. Call for more info if landowners or chapters need a partial package)

$49/person $__________
(Includes Saturday Breaks, Lunch & Banquet)

Friday Motorcoach Habitat Tour @ $15/person $__________

PARTIAL PACKAGE: (pick and choose your weekend package)

Registration with breaks: at $24 (required of all attending) $__________

Saturday lunch at $15 $__________

Saturday Banquet at $20 $__________

TOTAL ENCLOSED $__________

Return this entire sheet with a check payable to Iowa PF Council / 2003 Habitat Meeting. Send to: Jim Wooley, 1205 Ilion Avenue, Chariton, IA 50049. Questions: call 641-774-2238.

To assure a room at the Gateway Center (Hwy 30 West in Ames), please call NOW to make reservations (515-292-8600). Mention that you are attending the PF State Habitat Meeting--get the special rate--$64/night for up to 4 persons/room. Call Now!
I think I'll be there for the day. Going to try and sneak in some shed hunting before hand Saturday morning. Hope to see you there.


Hope to see you there. Should be very interesting. I'm still trying to figure out how to work in all the seminars I'd like to attend.


Thanks for getting the info up! Much appreciated.

Old Buck
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