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Iowa private land needed

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New Member
First off let me start out by saying that I am new to this forum I am active in the archerytalk forum and was referred here by a local AT member. I'm fairly new to IA and was attempting to locate a member who would potentially be interested in doing a hunt swap (I hunt your land you hunt mine). My family owns a 53 acre parcel in Waupaca Co. Wisconsin (Look it up it's buffalo co and waupaca co are to 2 big dogs in WI). My uncle owns a 25 acre parcel connected to our property straight to the north, making the total huntable area of about 80 acres. I am a loyal and avid bowhunter and am only interested in hunting your land during the early bow season, I do all of my gun hunting back in WI. If anyone is interested in potentially doing a swap hunt for your chance at a WI whitetail please PM me. The nice thing is out of state tags only run $160 and don't require preference points. I live in eastern Iowa in the QCA, so land nearby would be a definite plus. If interested please let me know as I would like to figure out all of the logistics well before season.

If a swap hunt isn't practical for both parties I would love to discuss the possibility of leasing
Also, I have done the public hunting and inner city hunts. These are ok, but the purpose of this thread is to try to locate a member who would either like to swap a hunt or discuss a possible lease agreement.
You'll have more bites posting this in the classifieds section.

I would recommend to start knocking on doors. If you're only effort to find public is on a forum, you won't have much success I'm afraid.
I agree with you but I figured the more postings I could get out the better, hell it can't hurt. It's all part of being new IA
I hope you are able to find something, but everyone is very protective of their spots (as we should be). Even the guys hunting public won't give you much information. Some of our public land can be very good hunting, but you need to get out, scout, and try to find a spot to avoid human pressure.

I notice in the area that I hunt on public most of October I am alone, then the army comes out in Nov to hunt the 'rut', then I'm back to being alone during late season. Of course it's all walked hard during shotgun. I've always had my best luck right around halloween on public land.

Best thing you can do is put some miles on your boots by scouting and talking to some locals on where to find land to hunt. There's still a few huntable gems out there, but lots of land is either leased up, purchased, or someone already hunting it.
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