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Iowa Tresspassing Laws


Life Member
I was wondering if someone with the proper knowledge would let us all know the truth behind tresspassing laws in Iowa. I have been told that legally you do not need to have your land posted, tresspassing is still trespassing whether there are signs posted or not.

After reading the comments of all those on this site who seem to have no problem with trespassing and seem to do it frequently, I think we should find out the truth. I am also under the opinion that the consequences for tresspassing should be raised. Higher fines and even removing hunting privelidges for repeat offenders. What do you all think?
unfortunately i think you have a hard time taking away ones right to hunt for walking across your field, i think that stiffer punishment should come in to affect though. i dont know where the punishment should slide but it needs to get tougher, be confiscating what ever they get caught trespassing with and more of a fine. that means in you are hunt say good bye to your gun your boots maybe even your fourwheeler or truck.

the moose
After reading the comments of all those on this site who seem to have no problem with trespassing and seem to do it frequently

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I dont recall anyone saying they frequently tresspassed.Do some of you guys have a hard time letting go of things once they get in your head?A question was asked and I think alotta you took the replies the wrong way.Matter of fact 99% of em said theyd never run into this situation.So should we let it go or should we be self rightous for awhile longer and exchange cheap shots with each other?

Oh yeah, I dont believe your land has to be posted, i think thats just another liability deal to cover your butt if a tresspasser gets hurt.Kinda like caution tape on a cnstruction sight.

Posted signs alone won't cover the landowner if a trespasser gets a booboo on your property. Have to have liability insurance. Pretty cheap to buy, about $60.00 per year.
I just came back from Texas, hunted some ground around the Kennedy Ranch.The freind that I was hunting with said if you shot from the road or was caught hunting on any of the ranch ground, then you were charged with a felony.He said that since this law was put into effect, things have really changed down there.Alot of people still stop on the side of road to glass, but guns and people now stay in the truck.I have to say I like that law.
The fines definitely need to be raised to make an impact. I think Illinois has a $1500.00 fine for tresspasing, or they used to. that will make you think twice about crossing the fence. Something needs to happen! anybody know of any current bills out we can support?
Jdubs, I didnt know that.

Dont some states have it so the only way the landowners liable for you getting hurt is if you pay to hunt thier land.If your hunting for free or tresspassing its not thier responsibility.

Id like to see something like that here, people are so worried about getting sued anymore its no wonder they wont let anyone in.
Jdubs, is the $60 a year liability insurance for land owners across the US or just PA? Anyone know about IA?

Also, I have heard that here in Iowa in order to prosecute someone for trespassing the trespasser would need a written or verbal warning from the landowner prior to trekking on your land and getting caught.
If this is true its not fair to people that work hard to pay for land and the taxes that go with it. I'm all for stiff fines and strict laws on this issue.
Iowa code (716.7) Trespass:

a. Entering upon or in property without the express permission of the owner, lessee, or person in lawful possession with the intent to commit a public offense, to use, remove therefrom, alter, damage, harass, or place therein anything animate or inanimate, or TO HUNT, FISH OR TRAP ON OR IN THE PROPERTY. This paragraph does not prohibit the UNARMED pursuit of game or furbearing animals lawfully injured or killed which come to rest on or escape to the property of another. (Capitals are my emphasis)

Under another section it says, "...provided the person retreiving the property takes the most direct and accessible route to and from the property to be retrieved, quits the property as quickly as possible..."

Iowa law does not require land to be posted. Trespassing in itself is considered a simple misdeamenor, but it is what we call an "unscheduled" citation, meaning the person charged with trespassing will have to appear in court and the magistrate sets the fine. A "scheduled" citation is one in which the fine is set by law, such as no hunting license, loaded weapon, etc.

Doug Clayton

State Conservation Officer
There is a law that protects landowners from being sued for most hunting accidents on their land. I don't recll the name of it at the moment. The exceptions were for dangers that the landowner knew were there, an open well, a mean bull, that type of thing. If a hunter tripped in a gopher hole and broke his leg he would not be able to sue the landowner. Perhaps someone else can give a more definitive answer?
The price is actually from I believe State Farm in Iowa. A buddy of mine has 130ac. and pay around $60/yr. for liability only. Keep in mind he does not live on the property and has no outbuildings to insure.
Its real easy. If you catch someone trespassing, just politely ask them if they knew they were on private property. If they answer, "Yes...why do you ask?" Shoot em.
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