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Iowa Whitetails Forever Banner.


Active Member
These are the Banners we would like to see displayed at as many banquets around the state as possible. The 4 footers are $70 and the 8 footers are $145. We are a grass roots organization, we will be buying 6 of these. Any of you that would like to support this effort can purchase direct form Rudd( orders coordinated with me) a banner to hang at as many event as you can get it to. We are not organized to collect donations and current have no plans to do so. We are keeping it at the grass roots level. PM me with your request for banners.

I think Larry Zach and Ryan Rudd delivered a knock out with this banner!
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I have my order in for one of the 4' banners.............If Ruddly ever gets back with me. :)
We are not going to be at the Classic to sell merchandise. We will be there to register as many people to our site as possible as the guest of Iowawhitetail.com in their booth. What we are looking for are people willing to carry our cause to the events they attend around the state. With permission hang the banner turn on your laptop and register people at banquets accross the state. There maybe a window decal but only when rudd is ready to deal with them IWF is not selling anything. Buy a banner and go to work protecting your sport.
Rudd just lower our cost for these banners. $50 for the 4' and $125 for the 8' . I intend to create a printer ready piece that anyone could distribute at events or banquets.

Again thank Rayn Rudd.
Banners are great but selling window decals at cost, not for profit, would get you a lot broader recognition. Get a few thousand of those out there on the windows of vehicles and you'll have a lot more people hit the website.

BTW, I'm just hearing about this and I think it's a great idea but I'm really wondering why it isn't something that the IBA undertakes?
Banners are great but selling window decals at cost, not for profit, would get you a lot broader recognition. Get a few thousand of those out there on the windows of vehicles and you'll have a lot more people hit the website.

BTW, I'm just hearing about this and I think it's a great idea but I'm really wondering why it isn't something that the IBA undertakes?

We would love to have window decals all over the state. Anybody can buy at cost but we are looking for people to buy them in bulk and see to getting them on windows in their areas(volunteers). We are just a small grass roots effort and are trying real hard to have our one singular focus. Anyone who is willing may help in this endeavor but be clear nothing is to be done for profit.

PM me if you would like to sell at cost the window decals and we'll make it happen.

FYI, I want all to know the purpose of the banners are for circulation to promote the effort of IWF. These are not produced at a level of quality anywhere near that of the prints Larry Zach has for your mancaves.

This organization is for all hunters. The IBA represents archers. Pretty simple. Many are trying to tie us to the IBA but that is not so. I will say every core member belongs to the IBA as well as groups like NWTF, PF, QF, QDMA just to name a few
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If you give me 1000 window stickers I can guarantee they'll be on 1000 different vehicles at the end of the Saturday of the Classic.

Can't guarantee the feedback will be 100% positive though. ;)

I like the decals, but do you think that there should be a ".com" at the end of it so peope realize there's a website? Just a peanut gallery suggestion now that it's probably finished up.
It was discussed and could be added. At the time of developing we had a concern about appearing like Iowawhitetail.com. Maybe in the next run.

Muddy just get Rudd your $3000 dollars and he will get you your 1000 decals. I will also be available to provide security for you as you dash about. :grin: Could be a longggggg weekend.
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