Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Iowa's Water and Land Legacy Amendment

I didn't know anything about it until a guy called me a couple weeks ago. He said he would be up in my area trout fishing this week and would stop by and drop off some flyers.

He explained it all to me and emphasized how HUGE this is. They've been working for 4yrs trying to get it on the ballet and here's our chance.

Look around the site it would benefit us greatly.:way:
Vote yes, I know a lot of people are upset about the economy and the judges, etc. but this may be the only chance we get to get permanent funding for the DNR. So we need to get the people out to vote and to vote yes on this amendment.
The way i understand the funding of this program. Everyone will be paying higher sales tax.

I don't know exactly how all this tax stuff works but I found this on their site.

Q: Is this a tax increase?

A: No. Voting for Iowa’s Water and Land Legacy Amendment is a vote to create the Natural Resources and Outdoor Recreation Trust Fund. The amendment does not include a tax increase. Trust Fund revenue will come from allocating 3/8 of one cent from sales tax revenue the next time the Iowa Legislature approves a sales tax increase. This amendment simply creates the trust fund to ensure Iowa’s natural resources are protected for future generations if the sales tax is increased at some point down the road.

There is an add on the radio saying vote NO, a tax increase. Have not heard any saying vote yes. Too bad. The no add sounded like it was funded by some part of the Ag. Inndustry.?
There is an add on the radio saying vote NO, a tax increase. Have not heard any saying vote yes. Too bad. The no add sounded like it was funded by some part of the Ag. Inndustry.?

Iowa Farm Bureau. They would also like to see deer eradicated.
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You guys have no idea how huge this could be for your state. I grew up in IA and moved after college due to the job. The state I currently live in has a designated sales tax and one of the only states that has a designated division to helping private landowners with conservation. If you miss the oportunity on this one, it will hurt. Do what you can, talk to as many people as you can, and make this happen. Good luck to you. Still an Iwegian at heart!
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