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iPad app help

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Active Member
I recently bought an iPad and was wanting to use It to check trail camera cards. It views the pictures just fine but not avi video. I am looking to get an app that will let me do this. I did a search and looked at some but was looking for some input. I am finding ones that you use when down loading off the computer but don't know if they work with just a card reader.

So if you can give me some info what you are using and any reviews that would be great.
How do you view your SD card on your Ipad there's no card reader ?????? Let me know how your doing this !!!!!!!!
Just an adapter.

On the ipad forum they said ios5 will recognise avi video but I also read some are having problems get tie ipad working again.
Brett Morris said:
Anyone know if this will work with the iPhone?

What watch trail cam videos?

Does the iphone have a port just like an iPod? That is what the iPad has that you plug the card reader into.

Is you phone the iPhone4? They said it will take the new operating system iOS 5.
Watch videos and view pictures both. That accessory doesn't list the iPhone as an available device but I'd assume it would work. Just curious if anyone had tried
I have only tried it once so far but I had to import the picture to view it in full screen otherwise they were just thumbnails which I think would be very small on an iphone. Maybe to small to see what is in the picture to know if any deer were in them. So you would have to import all of them to see them in full screen is my guess. I could be wrong I don't have an iphone to try it out with.
Have not tried videos yet. Did view pictures on the iPad but had the same issue as you cooter....only thumbnails unless I inported them. Wish there was a way to scroll through them full size without importing them.
Just downloaded iOS 5 with no problem other than it took two hours and I had to re install all my apps.

Will test it out this afternoon to see if it will play videos. I will keep you posted.
Finally got to my cameras (trying to stay out of the good spots). Some videos worked but most didn't Let me import them but would play. I'm gonna figure it out sooner or later.

Sent from the iPad using IW
How can it work on some but not on others? This baffles me. Same trail camera? Sometimes i os has issues with .avi files. You may need a media file converter.

Sent from my DROID3 using IW
Same cam same card. I know it wouldn't play any night ir videos and only about 5 out of 30 daytime.

Sent from the iPad using IW
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