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ironwood family picture


Active Member
I am still in a big hurry but wanted to start a post to show how our weekend went. Watch for additional photos and stories as time allows. Also I need to clarify that this picture is short my oldest brat Megan. We'll have to get her hunting or paint shop her in.
If ya liked that muddy check this out.


Everybody feel free to continue this line of fire.
man no doubt, get a haircut!!! I thought there was two women in that first pic
congratulations to all of you, sounds like one heck of a weekend
great birds!!!!
That's a great picture of all of you. Looks like the 2004 Christmas picture to me. My boys were excited to see the picture and wished we would have made it down this weekend. Can't wait to hear the stories.
Looks like you had a great hunt ironwood. It makes me look forward to my future family pics. The wife goes now but the kids have to get quite a bit bigger.
Congrats on the hunt.
First of all, congradulations!!!! What an awesome hunt with your family. Nate, you need to take your brother to your barber!!!!
Well let me tell you a little about our weekend. It all started when we arrived at our intended Saturday morning hunting spot only to find someone there head of us. Next time I intend to hunt that spot on a weekend I'll make sure to be there at 4:45 instead of 5:15. Great spot generous farm, what more can you says. We hurried over to our place and got set up just a little late. It was a great morning to watch wildlife unless you wanted to see turkeys, or even hear them for that matter. We moved our setup and only saw a few bird but did pretty well on the mushrooms. After a late lunch we were setup and calling by about 2:15. All day Nate had been setting up slightly away from our location. Also he had been having a lot better activity all day. When we hooked back up at around five 5:00PM Nate told us where he seen all the bird and we went looking for them. When Barb and I finally spotted a tom we decided not to try calling because it had not seem to be a day for them to respond. After a little discussion about our stalk we started. Relying on topography with very little cover we moved in quickly only to be caught in the open by one of several Toms. We froze and remained as motionless as possible in our awkward positions. After a few minutes the bird put his head back down feeding. Once out of sight we moved ahead the last bit to a rise we expected to find the tom behind. We located one bird and I got Barb pointed in the right direction. Just as she was reading herself the bird raised his head and had us. She took him and birds went every where. After sitting all day Barb thought this was much more fun. This is the very first animal she has ever taken, excluding a baby piggy, family of raccoons and various other road kill.
It was about 6:00 when she took her bird, a very long day of hunting.

As we where leaving the farm we saw another group of Toms way back in an open bean field against some CRP. Zach and I decided to try for one of these. To get there we had to crawl a long distance in the open, then we used the CRP for cover, at one point dropping to a sand bar along the river to move ahead with more speed past the birds as they fed away from us. As we edged back toward the bean stubble we were busted at close range by a couple does. We froze for a long while, as they stared at us. We decided we had to try and continue or the birds would get past us. So we dropped to our hands and knees again and we manage to not spook the deer. As soon as we had the bean stubble in view I we got up to look and they where right in front of us, several birds with two toms in full strut. A jake saw us right away and I told Zach to hurry, he cut with his mouth call and toms remained in full strut. It was now or never and he shot the bird he wanted. As the field cleared his bird appeared to be running the opposite direction of the rest of the birds. We ran forward and the Tom got up and flew right past us. A little more like dropping a pheasant but Zach finished the job. It was about 7:30

The hunting was very hard and we had to go to the birds to get it done. These where both very exciting and rewarding hunts for all of us. I would rather have had them coming in strutting and gobbling to the call but it wasn't happening on Saturday. My brother teased me for our style but I had a great time. My noisy son Zach even got some much needed work on his stalking skills.

When I finally made it to bed I had been up for 22 hours. After 3 ½ hour of sleep we were up and getting read to try for Nate’s bow bird. It wasn’t to be on Sunday morning but they where all around us and it was a blast. After picking up a couple more bags of mushrooms and a little socializing, we had to get back to town for several appointments. It is now Monday morning and I am still wasted from the lack of sleep and tuff hunting. This has been a weekend I’ll all ways cherish. Barb joining us has had much.
great family photo woodstock. and great story. nice 70' doo on the kid too! tell mrs. woodstock she looks awesome in camo.
i bet when you 2 were dating you mentally pictured her in camo and knew she was the girl for you......
Damn Ironwood.....that gun is a Turkey killing machine!! Already doubled what I shot with it.
It was a little big for the Mrs and she steadied her sights a little longer than I was comfortable but made a great shot. Remember when you where young, not big enought for your gun, steadying the sights was tuff.
Great job guy's and gal.I wish I could get my other half to go out with me but she just tell's me she is not intrested in hunting

Great pic's too!
Great story and pics. That's pretty cool to have a hunt of a lifetime, right in your own backyard.
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