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Is it possible

Yes, it is possible. I think on average a whitetails gestation period is 201 days give or take a few days. That would mean if she gave birth today, the fawn would have been conceived around January 10th or so. I saw a spotted fawn the first week of November one time while bowhunting in Illinois, and it wasn't very big.
Yes, it is possible. I think on average a whitetails gestation period is 201 days give or take a few days. That would mean if she gave birth today, the fawn would have been conceived around January 10th or so. I saw a spotted fawn the first week of November one time while bowhunting in Illinois, and it wasn't very big.
Hunting late MZ season one year, early in January, I watched 3 young bucks pushing and bird dogging a doe who appeared to be in estrous. So I think it is entirely possible.
Yep, it's possible.
Been bowhunting for 45 years and occasionally, seen tiny fully spotted fawns in October/ November before (rare) though.
I watched a 5x5 buck breed a doe Jan 10.Buck was a 2.5 and the doe was a fawn from previous spring. Certainly possible.
The droptine buck I shot this year was tending a fawn on Jan 5. Last year while shed hunting in Feb there was some pretty serious buck fighting going on and chasing thru the timber. We assumed a fawn in heat.
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