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Is this Bow Hunting?

Videos like this and long-range muzzle loader videos should be saved and shown to lawmakers next session when they are looking at regulation changes. It will be a huge challenge to keep crossbows out of Iowa during archery season, but I think we can do it I saw firsthand how crossbows were destroying Illinois. The age structure plummeted when crossbows became legal, and they haven't even seen the full impact yet. . I'd say 75% of the NR hunters who pour into Illinois every fall now carry crossbows. Long range muzzleloaders need to be banned in Iowa too. I recently watched a video where a gun company owner was bragging how his muzzleloaders were 600-yard weapons. Iowa should make all muzzleloaders have a 3-4 power scope (or no scope) with no range or windage adjustments. This would take long range muzzleloaders of the equation for most.
Like a shorter range single shot muzzle loader. I say why not. Where do you draw the line, and who are you to draw it? Playing devils advocate.
I wouldn't call it bowhunting....

I can remember people making fun of the early wheel bows back in the 80's when we'd shoot bows every week in town.
No, it's crossbow hunting. Interestingly, Boone and Crockett has a section on long range shooting of animals and how it's not fair chase.

"The Club finds that long-range shooting takes unfair advantage of the game animal, effectively eliminates the natural capacity of an animal to use its senses and instincts to detect danger, and demeans the hunter/prey relationship in a way that diminishes the importance and relevance of the animal and the hunt. The Club urges all hunters to think carefully of the consequences of long-range shooting, whether hunting with a rifle, bow, muzzleloader, crossbow, or handgun, and not confuse the purposes and intent of long-range shooting with Fair Chase hunting."

I don't agree with B&C on several things, but I thought their stance was interesting.

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Like a shorter range single shot muzzle loader. I say why not. Where do you draw the line, and who are you to draw it? Playing devils advocate.
...the question was is it bow hunting or not. Crossbows are already legal during late muzzy season, where they belong.
“What makes iowa great is no guns in the rut!” Good bye to that statement if the crossbow pimps buy our state!!
Crossbows for elderly, disabled, injured or late ML season. Solves it all!!! Leave Iowas archery season alone!!!!
Hate to say it, but as a MO resident its probably coming.

Liberalization only works in one direction. Everyone wants a trophy..
Oh- they will try. No doubt about it. We got a lot more common sense vs S of our border. Why the line between IA vs MO has been night & day for countless decades.

MO said: yes to rifles. Yes to 2 bucks per NR. Yes to unlimited cheap NR tags. Yes to rifles in the rut. Yes to crossbows. YES… to pretty much anything. Especially if they saw any dollar involved. Iowa has said NO to every one of those destructive things for 40+ years!!! We ain’t gonna lay down for the deer whores…. Those that wish to exploit our state only for the dollar. This state isn’t for sale!!
I agree with u it’s coming. They just fired their last 2 lobbyists as they got handed defeats by the people of iowa. They can hire others & the people of this state will continue to hand them deserved defeats as they try to buy their way to changing our regs. Not happening!!!
Oh- they will try. No doubt about it. We got a lot more common sense vs S of our border. Why the line between IA vs MO has been night & day for countless decades.

MO said: yes to rifles. Yes to 2 bucks per NR. Yes to unlimited cheap NR tags. Yes to rifles in the rut. Yes to crossbows. YES… to pretty much anything. Especially if they saw any dollar involved. Iowa has said NO to every one of those destructive things for 40+ years!!! We ain’t gonna lay down for the deer whores…. Those that wish to exploit our state only for the dollar. This state isn’t for sale!!
I agree with u it’s coming. They just fired their last 2 lobbyists as they got handed defeats by the people of iowa. They can hire others & the people of this state will continue to hand them deserved defeats as they try to buy their way to changing our regs. Not happening!!!

I hope you're right Skip! I'm rooting for you guys.

We need to fire a few on this side of the fence..
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