post post post.this site has been very boring lately.last year at this time i use to be able to look everyday & see a few new it seems like you have too wait a few days to see a couple new pics.or are there just not that many people getting buck pics right now?
I haven't got squat on the cam yet....too much going on so I haven't been able to set any cams on my good farms. Had the cam out for a week on a mineral lick next to my house and ended up with a spike, some does and a cam full of ants . I agree though on the lack of activity around here this summer.
I posted the few good buck pics I had early but now it is like someone flipped a switch on me. The last 2 card pulls I have had over 500 pics easy and have had like 4 pics of bucks, both of which were spikes. The cams were over minerals in both occasions, any one else running into this?
I did get some good velvet footage of a very nice 8 the other night and would be more than willing to post but am struggling to get the footage of my GL2. I am very new to the camera so it has been a struggle. PM me anyone knows and I will get it on here.
Yes, I am running into that. Very few nice bucks on cam. I got maybe 10 bucks out of 4 cameras in a week. I think it's just timing. The bucks are there- maybe it was weather or something that affects movement or nutrtional needs?
Glad to hear I am not the only 1, my hunting partner is having the problem too. We are laying down some real good velvet footage in bean fields but not much action on our mineral licks....might be moving the cams soon.
I don't have any pictures to show, but I can't even figure out to post them anymore. I tried to post my turkey pics but couldn't figure it out. Anyways I just put my two cams out and we will see what I get. I personally don't get too worked up unless its going to be a hog, so I probably wouldn't post anything unless it was over 170. A lot of people are worried about showing what they have. I do know not once have I ever thought where is that guy hunting, he has a ton of pictures of big bucks. I don't see what the big deal is but oh well. It will pick up once the bucks put on some more bone!!
like i said you can't pinpoint a location by the pics unless you are a personal friend of the poster & have been there before.or maybe if it is public hunting ground .it's not like your posting gps coordinates.if you beg to differ let's here your opinions.
I've got bugger all as of last weekend. When I get one, I'll share. I agree, things have gotten a whole lot less interesting than they used to be. I for one find that too bad.
Anyhoo, going to check a card this weekend, maybe I'll get lucky and have one to share.
I tried to post a pic. I followed the directions in the tutorial, it uploaded, then said something about a moderator needing to approve it (which was not in the tutorial). That was several days ago and I still can't seem to find it on the site when I do a search. It was called 'Bloodsuckers!' and I was going to put it in the 'Ticks' thread. If someone can find it, please post it. Else tell me what I did wrong.
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