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It is Spring


Life Member
I don't care what the calendar, weatherman or Punxsutawney Phil say. It is officially Spring. The Cubs pitchers and catchers reported today.

The Vegas line for the Cubs over/under wins is 72.5. That's 6 more wins than last year and still 9 games under .500. Their odds to win the fall Classic are 50:1. Still better than the Mets at 66:1 (we all hate the Mets) and way better than the Astros at 200:1.

Gotta give the Red Turds their props. They are 12:1 on the Classic and over/under 87.
Just got tickets today to the July 6th game at Busch stadium... After the Cards are done playing Wilton (my old high school) will be playing Fairfield.. that will be cool to watch and I'll be jealous as hell. I thought it was awesome enough pitching and getting a win against Clinton back at the Lumber King Stadium in highschool.. can't imagine what it would be like to play at Busch.
Who cares about the Cubs or the Cards. The Twins are the real team of the midwest.
Airassault- I remember watching Wilton down at state when I was in High School and some of those guys were studs. Jeremy Weigh(sp) I think was the catchers name, took one deep that left my jaw on the ground.
Who cares about the Cubs or the Cards. The Twins are the real team of the midwest.
Airassault- I remember watching Wilton down at state when I was in High School and some of those guys were studs. Jeremy Weigh(sp) I think was the catchers name, took one deep that left my jaw on the ground.

I never got to pitch to Weigh as he was in 8th grade when I was a senior. He was a pretty awesome catcher. I think he has had a couple shoulder surgeries that took him away from his dream. I think I know the hit you're talking about at state. I wasn't at that game but I did make it to their championship. I heard he hit it over the press boxes in the outfield. That would have been a bomb! I've played slow pitch softball with him a couple times. I haven't followed the current Wilton team lately but we've always had a great program. The current (and my old) pitching coach, Ed Sawvell, was just inducted into the Iowa High School Hall of Fame as a player and my old head Coach, Jake Souhrada, just got district coach of the year for last season I believe.
i guess all of you can at least say that you dont jump on band wagons!!!! I myself am Red Sox fan and have been since way back in the Roger Clemens days...And whats even better is that they happen to be the best team!!!! Im super stoked that the season has started!!!
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