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Its 77*, windy and 100% full sun yet


Well-Known Member
The deer are moving like crazy .
Watching out my back window (woods).
They all seem so calm and relaxed even with the winds.

They are browsing heavily on nettle,ash,boxelder,elm stump sprouts, and various other weeds.
Some " factor" is going on. What it it?
The deer are moving like crazy .
Watching out my back window (woods).
They all seem so calm and relaxed even with the winds.

They are browsing heavily on nettle,ash,boxelder,elm stump sprouts, and various other weeds.
Some " factor" is going on. What it it?
A weird cooler wind just came up from the south here in Minnesota? I don’t know? I saw it was a full moon a few days ago .
Cooler temps. 100% imo. & any time it’s cooler- my hypothesis would be: the bell goes off in their head… summer is coming to end & they need to bulk up big time before fall/winter. Seeing Same thing. Watching 4-5 good bucks out my window right now :) Instant photo, live…. 7:36 cst
This is tree nursery & zip line platform for kids.. & behind it u Might see a few deer dots. Bucks & does walking all over for last half hour. Beans below this and they are pounding fresh cut alfalfa….

One buck way way zoomed in
Super Blue Moon I guess?…moon phase have them on their feet ?? I know the October full moon is the best night to catch big walleyes on the lakes in my area!
Hmm. Within maybe 15 minutes of posting this thread,
they all just vanished and headed back into bedding cover. Calm as could be, like weirdly calm?

Down to 72* now, winds layed down a bit and nothing stirring.
Nows the time I expect movement.
Oh wait, I see a fawn browsing lol.
Nice looking veiw Skip!

Super Blue Moon?
49 degrees here this morning! Haven't seen much deer activity until last evening and this morning, cams have been sending in pics all morning. Might have more to do with photoperiodism than the moon but only the deer know for sure?
I’ve actually found the full moon phase to be slow evening hunts. Pretty good morning hunts—at least in Minnesota.

Thats why I usually pick up a rod and go fishing during October full moon. I’ve never analyzed the November full moon phase as much ?
I kept detailed records for years on moon phase, wind, temp,etc. The only things I really saw that changed deer movement noticeably were temperature and rain. After the rain stops in the evening is deadly and cooler than normal temps seem to make a HUGE difference.
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