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IW Droid App - photo upload


Miles Coffin
How do you upload pics to this site using the Droid app? I see others doing it but I can't figure it out..
When you are writing a post there should be an attachments button. Click that then select camera or gallery. Select the picture or pictures you want to attach. When you send post they should be there.

Mobile Cooter
Nope, just have send and cancel on the screen and nothing happens if i press the menu button..
I don't know then. What phone do you have? Maybe try unistall and re-install the app?????

Mine has send - attachments- cancel

Mobile Cooter
I'll try to do some photo uploading and such with my Droid, I just downloaded an upgrade today so we shall see. All this feedback is really helpfull, thanks.
These apps were ones that came with the phone the lady said, nothing I can do about them other htan update them and forget them. Stupid, can't delete them.
The iw app leverages the menu, refresh, and search built in buttons on your Droid.

To start a new thread go to your forum of choice via the forums tab.

Then select new thread using your menu button .... You will also see the ability to add attachments.

Note - to increase the size of the attachments go to your settings and increase the attachment quality
OneCam said:
The iw app leverages the menu, refresh, and search built in buttons on your Droid.

Then select new thread using your menu button .... You will also see the ability to add attachments.

Still don't see it

arrow flinger
I see "New Thread" when I choose the menu button.
Motorla Electrify.
Nice job on this APP....it is cool.
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