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IW in the legislature!!


PMA Member
Who wants to run??? Not going to lie…. Deer hunting and politics are probably my favorite subjects to debate in life. Even if I am wrong at times!! If I am wrong I totally enjoy hearing other viewpoints and think nothing less of others that disagree with me. We all have different experiences/opinions whatever you want to call them that led us to what we think/feel etc.. about deer hunting and other aspects of life. Might be too late for this legislative cycle but I do think we all better think hard about who we want to represent us in the future. It’d be awesome if someone from here could but if not I hope we all look closely at our candidates in the future! Ask plenty of questions to whoever is asking for your vote!! I really do believe we can all make a difference!!

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I’d do it if I wasn’t surrounded by: incompetence, corruption, slime balls & irrational legal obstacles.
At my farm every day & getting right to the task at hand. No one to deal with. No one to tell me what to do. Get things done. Be in peace & nature all day.
What needs to happen in government as a whole…. Being a politician needs to be brought back to doing it as a SERVICE to state or country. After you’re successful, experienced & grounded… you step away for XYZ period to SERVE. You serve for a limited time & go back to your normal life. This garbage of making your livelihood off of a career in politics has ruined & corrupted the political system to its core. It didn’t used to be this way & never intended to be career politicians part of the machine. TERM LIMITS & when u go- it’s for SERVICE to give back! Until they fix that - the best & brightest will stay out. It will continue to attract incompetence & mediocrity. If there’s a day when we can serve for said term to truly fix things & that’s the spirit of the whole political body, I’d do it in heartbeat.

**i absolutely believe hunters need far more representation politically!!!! There’s a lot of ways this can happen & IT IS HAPPENING!! I’d absolutely love it if we could get a Conservative/Conservation Governor that was a serious deer hunter!!!!
I would have considered running until you said it attracts incompetence and mediocrity!! :( My dreams are shot!! However, I do believe if anybody can listen to all aspects of a deer hunting debate they can tackle just about anything in this state! Lots of respect for all the backgrounds and opinions on here!!
I wrote above with a bit of frustration reflecting on Sexton.
We for sure need more good people at the capitol!! I’d absolutely support any hunter with common sense, drive, morals & ambition going there!! I absolutely think we need some hunters up there!!!
GO!! Booner…. I’d be the 1st to endorse you!!!!
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